Tuesday 27 May 2014


So- I have pet chickens!

And I think they're pretty great. They're stupid creatures, but we love them anyway. We have:

Fenimore- she's the oldest chicken, must be about 6 or 7 years old by now.

Thing 1- there used to be a Thing 2, but sadly she died.

Ginny - our ginger chicken. A bit of a bossy one who liles to think she's top of the pecking order.

Dot - a bit of a bully to the new guys

Artemis - a lovely grey chicken who I had to teach how to use the feeder because she couldn't work it out

Roxy - a black rock breed of chicken with a talent for escaping.

They should all be laying eggs, but we figure that Thing 1 and Fenimore are both too old for that now. Here's a picture of some of the eggs they lay.

I think its Dot that lays the greeny ones. The rest lay brown eggs, and Fenimore and Thing 1 used to lay white eggs. And they taste so much better than eggs from the shop!! The yolks in particular! They are such a dark yellow that they are almost orange. We have an egg skelter (exactly what it sounds like) to keep them on because if they are fresh they don't really need keeping in the fridge- which means they cook quicker too!

A lot of people ask us if we eat our chickens when they stop laying eggs. The answer is, would you eat your pets?? No. We don't eat them.

What pets do you have? Let me know in the comments!

Today, this is me:

See you tomorrow,

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