Friday 23 May 2014

Found Friday

Hey everyone- just a little explaination of what's gonna be happening. Every Friday dailysplodge is going to have something found! And I'll be putting my two cents about it underneath. So without further ado- here we go!

Many people internet wide are subscribed to the vlog brothers, Hank and John and Hank Green. If you have somehow been living under a rock an don't know who they are, here is one of their videos I'd like to share with you today. Watch it before continuing to read!

Ok- so I think john has a good point. I know that there are something that I I definitely take for granted. I am born to a white, middle class family in a society where White is the majority race and middle class is favourable. I am born in a country where women are legally equal to men, in a time when women can vote and have an education.  I am born in a body that is the sex which matches the gender to which I identify. Viewed from the outside, I am extremely lucky. 

And yet, I often find myself thinking "it's not fair!!" To various things such as "I don't have enough work!" "I'm still living woh my parents!" "I have to take extra care with my health when other people are throwing theirs away!" "I'm not happy because of x, y and z " 

But there are also things that I am hugely grateful for- like the fact that I have a place to live, food to eat, clean water, family and friends that love me. But still I want more from my life than I already have. Is this greedy? After some considerable thought, I have decided that it is not. I think it must be a part of the human condition to want to be a better, or at least more well off version of yourself. Think of the richest people in the world- they are still doing things. It's not like they become rich and then they buy a big house, a big car, and retire from life. They still have the options to use their wealth for social, charitable causes. Lots of them do this. If I were insanely rich, I wouldn't know what to do with it all (once I'd paid off all my student debt and so on)  so I think I'd spend some on myself and then... Sit down with a cup of tea, maybe a financial advisor, and work out what to do. But I'm getting away from the point. The point is appreciate the things you have. Take the time to tell the people in your life that you appreciate them! Look at your situation and realise- as you are using the internet- you are fantastically lucky.

And if you still want more? Thats ok too :) Work hard for it, and hopefully you'll achieve!

What sort of things do you take for granted in your life? Let me know in the comments.

Today, this is me:

It was windy!

See you tomorrow,


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