Wednesday 28 May 2014

Danger signs

***DISCLAIMER*** I do not endorse breaking and entry to any place with signs saying that there is danger. The following blog post is about my own personal responses to danger and restricted access signs.

Signs like this:

They are just itching to be ignored!! When i see a sign like that, my first thought isn't "hmm... Better steer clear of that" it's more like "oooh! I wonder why?? Let's find out!" Perhaps it's just the child in me, or maybe I am reckless- but I always want to know why!! Better than doors with danger signs in are GATES. Because you can see through them!! And see what is. Doors however are basically saying "come and have a look" in my mind.

HOWEVER, signs like this:

are more likely to have me pay attention to them because they tell me WHY I can't go somewhere. If it was something like "Danger, killer wasps in this area" then sure. I'd stay away. Its not just saying "Danger...something here is dangerous, but I'm not telling you what" You'd think by now that people putting up danger signs would have the common sense to know that people like me with insanely high levels of curiosity are always going to be enticed when being told not to do something or go somewhere. If we're told WHY, then we're more likely to think about it more!!

A number of times I have been caught in places I shouldn't have been owing to ignoring "Do Not Enter" signs, mostly during my teenage years when wandering around with my friends. Not that I was going into these restricted areas to show off to my friends, I was genuinley curious as to what it was I wasn't supposed to do or see. It doesn't take a genius to look at a sign with a rabid dog on it next to the words "beware the dog" to suss out the danger. But when the danger is announced and not specified, it makes me SO SO SO curious that I go ahead and go in anway. I have a sneaky suspicion that lots of these plaees that have non-specific danger signs on them are not really dangerous places, just that it saves the people who own/run the place a lot of hassle if people are only on it when they are around to monitor them. 

What do you think? Ever gone into an old building marked danger? Ever been somewhere you know you shouldn't have? Let me know in the comments! 

Today,  this is me.

See you tomorrow,

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