Saturday 31 May 2014

Not forgotten friends.

So I have a lot of friends. I don't mean that in a braggy arrogant way, I just mean that I know and love a lot of people. Unfortunately I don't get to see the vast majority of them as much as I'd like, owing to the fact that I live a long way away and can't afford to travel very much. And often I can go a very long time without speaking to them.

So I'd just like to take the opportunity to say, right here, right now (as the majority of people who read this are going to be my friends) I have NOT forgotten you! I love you and I do think about you lots :) We are still friends!!

I feel like at times I can't keep up with all the people I'd like to so sometimes I lose touch. But thankfully, I am usually able to pick up where I left off fairly easily. Sometimes I like to call people up and just listen to their voices for a bit. Its nice :)

Sorry this is such a short post. These are difficult words! But you get the gist, right?

Today, this is me:

See you tomorrow

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