Thursday 29 May 2014

Social bubbles

Here is a picture of the town where I went to university.

Pretty small right? I think so! Smaller than my home town, and I consider that I be small! It is both a blessing and a curse to live in a town like this because on the plus side, you get to know the majority of the people there- and if you don't know someone, you do at least have one friend in common. And that makes for a really nice, close-knit community, but where its still quite easy to meet new people.

As a drama student, the students in the department tended to be very close to each other and quite sociable (make no mistake, drama is an extremely hard-working degree, whatever the media tells you) And this meant I was able to form some very deep, long-lasting friendships within the people I met at uni, even though I went away for a year to study abroad (but thats for another post ;) )

And yet, I feel there is something vaguely unhealthy about living in a town where you forget that the rest of the world exists. Sure, its a brilliant little bubble to be living in, but once you leave...? Its hard to adjust. Or at least, thats what I've found. I've missed seeing my friends every day, and much as I love them, my friends in my home town don't have the same dynamic that I have with my university friends (though thats not nescessarily a bad thing). And when I see pictures of my friends who are still at university, I find myself craving to return, because there is nothing quite like it. Being in Wales, living right next to the sea, only feeling like right now matters. Perhaps I should try and live a little more in the right now at the moment, but the bittersweet nostalgia is irresistable.

I've found though that since returning to my home town, my bubble has shrunk significantly. I find myself only leaving the house for necessity, rather than just for an aimless wander that I might have done before. Perhaps I just need to widen my circle of friends? I'm sure that can be arranged! I feel sort of like I'm suffocating from the lack of... learning. I'd forgotten how much I loved learning until I stopped doing it- so it looks like a masters is imminent- because I LOVE education. But I hate deadlines. But I can't have one without the other!

I am going to go back. But when, I'm not certain. But I will. Because I can't stay away!!

Do you have social bubbles? I'm very much attached to mine, even though I'm not living in it anymore. Let me know in the comments!!

Today, this is me:

See you tomorrow,

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