Monday 19 May 2014


Hello everybody

Lots of people seem to be starting blogs recently... so I think I shall do the same :) And I want to get into the habit of writing something. Every day. Like a diary I suppose!

If you're reading this, you're likely to be somebody who already knows me, but if not I'll just introduce myself.

Hello there *shakes hand* I'm Rosa. Nice to meet you. I graduated last summer from University and am now living in a little town in the north-west of England with my family and trying to find one of those impossible things, a full time job. And to make it more difficult, a full time job in the creative industries. But I shall persevere!

A few little info-nuggets about me:

  • sometimes I make up words
  • most of my clothes are t-shirts featuring giraffes
  • I play the ukulele
  • I act
  • I write
  • I breathe

I think this is going to be a blog of...well, whimsy. Anecdotes. Things I come across that I find interesting. Stuff I think is important for people to know. Rants. Recipies even! Just about anything.

Here is a picture of me as I am today:

1 comment:

  1. I love the idea for your bliary, Rosa :) I like the daily pictures things, too. Keep it up, yo!
