Monday 26 May 2014

I'm a coffee elitist.

Hey readers!!

So what springs to your mind when I say coffee? Most likely, I'd imagine it to be something like this:

To which I say - "Back you heathens!! You call that coffee?? THIS is coffee!!" 

Please allow me to explain. I am... something of a coffee snob. When I first started drinking coffee (around the age of 15, I think) I drank the absolute finest coffee that could be bought. I was raised on the best. I can't look back! I struggled a lot at university not having a cafatiere and only being able to afford instant coffee (back home, its usually my parents that buy the coffee). Which sounds hideously middle class of me... but when it comes to coffee, I guess I am hideously middle class. So whilst at uni, I simply viewed this pale imitation of coffee as something that woke me up quickly on an early morning, or kept me awake if I was cutting it fine on a deadline. 

Personally, I don't view coffee as a source of caffeine that is useful during the long nights of exam season. To me, coffee is an experience. In my town, we have a shop that roasts its own coffee beans and the smell wafts over the whole town. They get their coffee beans in from all over the world!! And in the last couple of years, they've opened two cafes in my town, much to my delight. Even before I liked drinking coffee, I loved smelling it. I love the sound of pouring coffee, I love watching the colour change when I pour milk in it. I love the clinking sound of the spoon stirring in the cup. I even have a favourite cup to drink coffee out of when I'm at home. 

So I'm thinking... perhaps being a coffee snob isn't so bad, so long as you can drink sub-sublime coffee. Which I can. The last time I visited my Grandma (a looooong way away) she seemed convinced that the coffee she bought (a brand called Miles', I think) was the best coffee could be. As I was there for a few days and had none of my preferred, vastly superior coffee to hand, I didn't have the heart to tell her that this coffee was mediocre at best. Having said that though, my Grandma prefers to drink decaf... which makes me think she may not be the best authority on coffee.

What about you? Do you like coffee? I drink mine with lots of milk and a little bit of sugar! Let me know in the comments.

Today, this is me:

I'm a very sleepy Rosa, despite all the coffee talk!

See you tomorrow,

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