Wednesday 21 May 2014


So! Goals!

My goals right now are:
• be happy
• be healthy
• get full time work 
• pay off student debt
• live independently 

So how can I get towards these?? Well some general advice for achieving long term goals is to prioritise. It seems obvious, but sitting down and deciding why has to come first is a good place to start. What matters the most? Well to me, it's being happy and healthy. Everything else is secondary. Yes, I do need a job or someway to support myself financially (I guess I'll just win the lottery or something, right?)

Next thing to do is to break down the goals into easy to attain chunks! so for me thats:

  • Job! I'll do my best to get a job. Take a step every day. Even if the Job Centre are being *****. 
  • A job with people I like, who like me. Whats the point in having a job if all it does is make you miserable? 
  • A job in the crative industry. Acting, writing, youth theatre, singing. All things I want to do.
Ok. So perhaps those chunks aren't that easy to attain. But its having a plan that counts.

Things I'm doing to try and help me stay happy, and occupied are stuff like doing this blog! every day using my words :) Keeping my mind active. I've also joined a choir and a theatre group, so things are looking on the up for me, as far as happy goes.

Today, this is me:

See you tomorrow,

- Rosa

1 comment:

  1. Yeah my biggest problem with that is I am a procrastinator LOL.. but it's never to late to try and change right ;)
