Sunday 29 March 2015

I'm taking a break

Hello Splodgies!

Time for a small announcement:

 I've been blogging on here pretty much every day for nearly a year now. I've not posted for a couple of days, and as yet, either nobody has noticed or nobody has asked me about it. The reason is that recently I feel like most of my writing on here has been a bit... well, rubbish. So I feel like writing isn't really working for me anymore, or at least writing like this and attempting to do it every day. 

There are lots of things that I'd like to write about on the blog, but I'm not certain that I'm allowed to write about my work for various data protection, child protection reasons etc, so on the whole I've not written about my work at all, other than saying that I enjoy it. My job is coming to an end very soon and I don't feel very creatively charged towards this kind of writing right now (I almost wrote write now there!) and I'd rather have a less frequent blog with good material on it than a daily blog that's occasionally decent, but is usually a crappy "I'm tired and I worked really hard today" post which is what I feel like I've been doing the past few months. It stresses me out to think that I'm not writing good material anymore, and the stress makes me want to blog even less- even though I've put this challenge on myself, I feel some sort of obligation to be posting for the people who read it - you - every time I publish something. That if I continue posting crap that has no meaning and nothing interesting in it, people will stop reading all together. And that's not what I want. I want to be writing good material, that people relate to or find interesting or funny. And I feel like I've not done that in a long time. 

I'm not giving up on the blog, I'm just allowing myself to write less frequently and better material. I've lots of ideas of what I want to write about, but often when it comes to having time to write the blog, the days when I have good ideas, I'm too tired to write about and the days I have done nothing I have nothing to write about. You see my dilemma? 

I think I've done pretty well to last this long, but for now I'm going to leave the metaphorical notebook that is this blog at my metaphorical desk. The book is still open, and the lid to my pen is off, it's just a case of when I'm picking up the pen, I want to write something that I like. Not something that I feel isn't worth sharing. I'm sure you all understand and I just wanted to thank you all for your continued readership! 295 posts and nearly 9000 views later I've arrived at this crossroads and I've decided it's time to take a new direction. The non-daily one. 

In the mean time if you're interested in writing a guest spot on the blog, get in touch an we can chat about it :) Almost anything is allowed on the blog (usual rules about hate speech etc. apply, but that's pretty obvious- don't wanna be spreading hate on my blog!) so if you have an inkling of something you'd like to do, or if you've ever wanted to blog but didn't feel like you had enough stuff to keep it going, you can guest blog on here. 

That's all for now, folks. Thanks for reading. 

Today, this is me:

See you tomorrow!

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Time passes

Hello Splodgies! 

Time is strange, don't you think? Recently I have been working three days a week and been on annual leave two days a week. It seems like the days I am working are jam packed with stuff and by the end of the days I'm exhausted- and if I'm not working, and I don't have anything planned, I get very little done- at least, nothing worth reporting. 

I also figure that small and/or fast creatures must perceive time differently. 

Which is the main reason my posts have been so... sporadic in interesting content lately... Sorry and all that... It's coming up to a year that I've been doing the blog soon, so I guess there will be some celebrating happening when the time comes! 

Today I made a pass the parcel for the first time- it occurred to me that I've played pass the parcel so many times, but I'd never actually made one. But I was making one for a legitimate reason, not just at random... 

Today, this is me:

See you tomorrow!

Tuesday 24 March 2015


Hello Splodgies!! 

I have thoroughly bumped my head today. I've been feeling a bit funny since. Don't be alarmed! I've not knocked myself out or been sick or anything I just feel a bit spacey! 

So I shan't be writing much today. Sorry about that- it seems to be becoming a bit of a habit, eh?? I'm sure I'll be back to normal tomorrow! 

Today this is me: 

That spacey look is because I'm feeling spacey from bashing my head!

See you tomorrow!

Monday 23 March 2015

Duck Tales (a-wooo woooo)

Good Evening chumaroos!

I've had a bit of a strange day today. Firstly, my body was ready to wake up before my brain- so I found myself walking around making breakfast like a zombie. 

Secondly a series of strange phone calls happened in very quick succession all from different people. 

Then a man was knocking on my door asking if I wanted to buy any fresh fish today. I told him I was a vegetarian and didn't eat fish- I was very glad that I didn't have to have the "A fish is not a plant" conversation with him. What was odd was that he didn't seem to have any fresh fish to sell. So I was utterly perplexed. 

Next my mum called and asked me to check to see if the chickens had laid any eggs. I was just minding my own business going down the steps into the garden when there was a very loud quacking and flapping sound and a duck flew out of the vegetable patch where it waddled around on the path looking very territorial

I think it had been trying to make a nest in the strawberry beds. You can see near the top of the picture two of the chickens looking very suspicious and similarly perplexed by the duck. Anyway as she was wandering around quacking indignantly (presumably I had knocked her concentrations on making a nest) and I was a bit worried because the duck had most definitely been alarmed by my seemingly sudden appearance. Because the chickens knew what the slam of the back door meant, but the duck had not known to expect somebody in a bright orange hoody to come up behind and scare her. I felt pretty bad about it- but it was strange that the duck was there at all, because she wasn't in the pond having a bath or eating the frogspawn or anything. Anyway, she flew onto the roof of the garage that also makes up the wall of the garden where she sat and carried on quacking. The chickens and I looked up and tried to work out what on earth her problem was. 

I tried to apologise to her, but in the end, she flew away making so much noise!! turned out that the chickens had laid an egg.

Also, RIP Roxy, who died this weekend. A much loved chicken, with a talent for running very fast and squeezing through gaps in the hedge. 

Today, this is me feeling like I'm wearing too many layers: 

See you tomorrow!

Sunday 22 March 2015

Hipster Weekend

Hello Splodgies!!

Sorry I missed my post yesterday- I was busy doing this:

It was perhaps the most hipster I've ever felt. We all had a great time! That's my dad playing the drums there in Lancaster Jazz Quintet. It was super cool. 

Today, me and Sarah went on an adventure as it was such a beautiful day. We had wanted to go and play our ukes on the promenade, but even though it was a sunny day, it was a bit windy so it was still very cold! 

....Most of the pictures on this blog today are taken by Sarah- thanks for letting me use them! 

At the end of the day we drove up to Hest Bank and played our ukes looking out over the bay... from the car :P Because it was still cold, but we did try to play outside!! We got freezy hands! 

Today, this is me and Sarah on our adventure:

See you tomorrow!

Friday 20 March 2015

Bus Eclipses My Attention.

Hello Splodgies! 

Today I had got everything ready so that I could just wake up, get dressed and leave the house. I was coming back to Lancaster today, but had to go to a meeting at work before I went. I hopped on the bus and everything was fine. 


After my meeting I went back to the bus station to get a bus to Penrith so I could get the train back to Lancaster- I had worked out that although I would spend more, I would still get back to Lancaster 2 hours faster than I would've had I got the 555 from Keswick. Isn't my life thrilling.

Anyway! Tomorrow: Jazz (swanky coffee house edition)

Today, this is me waiting in Penrith train station. 

The little man is my conscience. There's another one on my other shoulder too.

See you tomorrow!

Wednesday 18 March 2015

Silver Linings

Evening Splodgies! 

You need to have read yesterday's post for today's post to make sense.

So you'll know that yesterday I was super bummed out about missing out on that job I had applied for. But the silver lining came today in the form of an email I'd received. Remember I had asked for feedback? Well I got some- and it was good! They told me that 79 people had applied- and I was ...sort of short-listed, just not for interview. I was in the top 25, and they were impressed with my experience "for such a relatively recent graduate". So I was pleased. There was a little more about why I wasn't chosen (other candidates had more experience and at greater breadth), but all in all I went away feeling much much better about the whole thing- and sent them a reply telling them so! 

Also it was a super sunny day so obviously we were very productive in the office today leading to such funtimes as this: 

I tried to tweet this picture to the radio DJ we were listening to at the time, but my phone decided that it was temporarily tired of telling me anything about twitter (it wasn't even on silent or anything, it just stopped notifying me!) so by the time I went back and looked at my notifications many hours later it was too out of context to share this picture. We don't usually have a radio in the office, but I had thought I was going to be alone in the office so I brought it in. I must admit we did do a little bit of a dance in our chairs. With our sunglasses on. And felt supremely cool. Right, Becca???

As it was a sunny day, instead of going strait home, I went for a walk through the park, attempted to FactTime a friend, failed, and ended up using the outdoor gym equipment for funsies. Being the obnoxious type of person that I am, I had been carrying my radio around in my hand rather than in my backpack like a normal person. I had been playing it in / around the bus station whilst Becca was waiting for her bus. In my head I was kind of providing alternative music for the people- as I was listening to BBC Radio 6 Music- which is my new favourite station. Unfortunately it was whilst the 2 hourly new bulletin was playing so I looked quite odd until the music came back on. Either way, after Becca left on the bus, I went to the park and idiotically balanced my radio on the top of the exercise bike. Of course. It fell off. The radio was ok, but the handle wasn't. It's not utterly destroyed or anything, but I couldn't find the bit that holds it in fast. It all still works ok- I'm just going to stop balancing it on top of things. Still living on the wild side, just not quite so wild :P 

Today, this is me post- ukulele lesson

See you tomorrow!

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Pffft. Disappointed.

Dear Splodgies

I'm feeling like this, this evening: 

Grumpy, disappointed. And if I'm honest a bit pissed off. Today I got an email telling me that I'd not been shortlisted for an interview for a job that I really really wanted. I'd spent a really long time writing a really good cover letter, and got lots of people to proof read it- people who really knew what they were talking about and were in the biz. I was so confident that my application was so good I would at least be interviewed. I was sure I was perfect for the job, but I wasn't so arrogant to think that getting it would be a complete breeze. I was definitely going to get an interview. 

So my initial reaction to receiving the rejection email was "Did they even read my application??" But then I took time to properly read the email. "We received an overwhelming number of applications, and the standard was very high. Unfortunately you were not short listed for interview". I understood. It was a great job, and I didn't expect to be the only applicant. It was in a big city, known for experimental theatre. I really cared about getting this job, and making a difference in the work that I do. Despite my best efforts they- well I don't want to say "didn't want to interview me", I think "were unable to interview me" is probably a more accurate guess. But I thought the best thing I could do was to reply and thank them for their consideration. 

So I did. I also asked them to give me some feedback, because if nothing else I can learn from this! Perhaps next time I apply for  a job like that, it will be their feedback that helps me make my application stand out enough for interview. Let's hope so! 

Today, this is me choosing to remain positive:

See you tomorrow!

Monday 16 March 2015

Fear of Frank

Dear Splodgies

Today I was thinking about the things that people decide not to say- kind of linking back to the post I wrote about bravery. People speak frankly because it's a form of brutal honesty- but not nescessarily a cruel one. I think being frank is important, so... I think I'm going be more frank from now on. Even though it can be scary! And I think you should do. It can only do good! 

Today, this is me:

See you tomorrow!

Sunday 15 March 2015

Neglected Uke?

Dear Splodgies

Recently I've been having a quandary about my ukes. Here's a picture of them, hanging out and being deep and moody and poetic in black and white and all that jazz:

From left to right, they are a soprano, a tenor and a baritone. It occurred to me recently that I hadn't tuned my baritone in months- this is partly because now that I've had them a while, all my ukuleles stay in tune for longer- but this was mostly because I've not played it in ....well quite a long time. This means that I spent a couple of hours today playing all of my ukuleles.

The thing is though, I usually play my tenor ukulele. It's the one I use at work, it's the one I use to teach with. It's the one that feels the most comfortable in my hands, the frets are spaced really nicely, and I can stretch a long way on it. It's the first ukulele I owned after starting to take ukulele seriously. 

But I don't want to forget my other two either. And of course, I don't want to forget little blue either. Little blue has been living with Sarah for a while, but has come back to roost in Lancaster for a little while. My little soprano in this picture was the ukulele I bought when I was in America, so that I'd have a decent ukulele to play while I was there - Not that little blue was no good at the time, just that I'd not restrung little blue at this point, and the tenor was too big to take with me. So I bought that one.

And the baritone was a present for my 22nd birthday. I broke one of the strings the first day I had it, because I was trying to tune it as if it were a soprano or tenor, and then went on a panicked trip around town looking for a replacement. When I found it, my dad replaced the string (I'd never replaced wound strings before, but this was also before I could competently do it myself) and then when my friends came over I was able to play along as if nothing had gone wrong. I was so petrified because I had originally gone to the music shop to choose an electroacoustic concert uke, but had found this one and decided I rather liked it. And I was pleased that I did in the end, because playing baritone ukulele is completely different to playing the other kinds of ukulele (don't even get me started on U-Bass. I don't like them- they look cool, but feel really weird to play) and this made me learn and understand more about the way chords and pitches work. So I'm really glad.

But I've feel like I've been neglecting them and they must be sad without me there to play them- even though I am there, and I am able to play them- I'm not doing so because I'm playing the tenor so much that I'm not playing the others. Perhaps the soprano and the baritone don't like the tenor for this reason, so now that they're leaning up at the wall together again (because I take it out of the house so frequently, the tenor is often in it's case) they're picking on it!! Well I played them all today, so hopefully they'll be feeling ok about each other.

...yes I know ukuleles don't have feelings. But I have feelings about ukuleles.

Today, this is me having satisfactorily tunes all my ukes: 

See you tomorrow!

Friday 13 March 2015

House Ghost/ new housemate

Dear Splodgies

I would've written about this yesterday, but I'd been putting off my bravery post for too long and I really wanted that to go up before this. Thanks for everyone's comments by the way, its really interesting to read what you think.

Anyway- When I got in from work yesterday, there were a number of things that made me think "we have a new housemate". These things were:

  • A new bottle of shampoo in my shower. Which I guess I'm sharing now.
  • A whole bunch of extra food on the bottom shelf of the fridge
  • a piece of paper on the table with words like "deposit" and "rent" and some numbers

So I thought I'd text the landlord and ask him what was happening. He said that we did have a new housemate, but even though I asked him what the new housemate's name was, the only information I got was "He works nights". So literally the only thing I know about the new housemate is that he likes garnier fructus shampoo and is a he. 

Before I got the text about him working nights, I'd knocked on his door and got no response. So I had probably interrupted his sleep. I felt bad about it, but not for very long. 

Reasons I stopped feeling bad about it:

  • He has blatantly avoided me for nearly 48 hours, even though I've tried to introduce myself
  • He has used my moisturiser and various things in the bathroom even though they were in a little box to the side.
  • He stole my toilet paper
  • He used my white face cloth to clean something that was apparently very dirty, and has left it over the radiator in the bathroom covered in stains. Without so much as a note to say "sorry I've ruined it"

....I have to admit I am a bit pissed off. But I'm moving out in less than a month, so I won't need to put up with it for very long. In the mean time, if he gives me any more reason for war, I'm going to start playing music very loudly whilst taking showers in the middle of the day. 

Today this is me feeling incredulous/plotting revenge:

See you tomorrow!

Thursday 12 March 2015

On bravery

Dear Splodgies

Many thanks for your patience over the last few days! Sorry I've not been blogging as well recently. I've been super busy trying to sort out what will be happening in my life when my job ends. 

Last night (technically two nights ago as I was supposed to post this yesterday) I was thinking a great deal about bravery. Because I often feel as though I am being brave- even though it my look as though I am just going about my business as usual. In fact, a few months ago I said to someone "Every day I am brave" and I think the vast majority of the time this is true. Because to me, it seems nescessary.

Before I go into that a little more, I need your help with something. Defining bravery. I think this probably has a very different definition depending on who you ask. If you ask a surgeon what bravery is, they might say it is performing a risky operation. If you ask a fire fighter what bravery is, they might say that it is waiting to know that a building is safe to go into before you try to save anyone else, even if that building is on fire. 

I think what's key to all these definitions of bravery that I can think of is that they all come with an element of risk involved in each one. They all require exposure to the potential of something bad happening in the hope that something good will happen, and knowing full well the concequences of what might happen if things went wrong.

I asked Siri to define bravery and was told that bravery is "a quality of spirit that allows you to face danger or pain without showing fear" and then a second definition "feeling no fear". But the crucial difference between the two is that the first suggests that for bravery to exist, fear is nescessary. But the second definition is suggests the opposite.  It seems to suggest that an absence of fear is the same as bravery. 

Please- let me know what you think about what bravery is. I'm really interested to know if people's thoughts chime with mine... I think it's a very telling part of a person's character to know what they think is brave.

I had planned to write more than this, but I've been extremely busy today, so shan't write anymore this evening. I'll definitely write more about this another time though. 

Yesterday, this was me: 

Yesterday because I lost the photo I was going to use for today. That and I'm literally about to go to sleep.

See you tomorrow!

Wednesday 11 March 2015

That funny feeling...

Hello Splodgies! 

The blogpost I was intending to publish this evening is currently sitting in the email inbox of my work computer... I was going to email it to myself but forgot to press send because I am a dope. 

In other news I have one of those funny feelings- the ones were you feel slightly sick with a mixture of nerves and anticipation and excitement. I'll tell you more about it tomorrow when I have time. For now though enjoy this awesome video: 

....Yeah, I know its not halloween. But this video is still funny. 

I'll tell you more about the slightly sick with nerves/anticipation/excitement thing tomorrow.

Today, this is me, alone in the office (again): 

I knew I was going to be alone so I brought my digital radio in with me (Because my computer speakers are rubbish) and listened to BBC 6 music all day. Not once did they play any of my requests! :( Never mind. 

See you tomorrow!

Tuesday 10 March 2015


Dear Splodgies

I have a lot of thoughts about many things zipping around my head, and not much energy with which to fully type them all out. So if you are wondering what they are, please come back again tomorrow and I will explain more fully. I've even set aside time specially tomorrow to write about this. But for now...

Today, this is me... ON AN EMPTY BUS! 

See you tomorrow!

Monday 9 March 2015

After a haitus....

Hello Splodgies!

The more astute of you will have noticed that I haven't blogged all weekend. This unplanned haitus was due to drinking a couple too many of these:

....Even at the time of drinking this, I was concerned about it glowing. Is gin supposed to glow under the light? Anyway. I was more sensible than one might have expected... in that I didn't make a fool of myself, and got myself home safely. I only drunk-dialled one person, and that person also happened to be drunk (what up, Amber! :D )It was a Saturday night after all! And she didn't seem too displeased to receive a call. And I sent and received lots of nice snapchats! 

What was less dignified was the number of times I went and crouched in front of my toilet the next day. I spent a long time curled up in bed with the window and curtains open. It was a beautiful day yesterday and it was breezy and warm. Perhaps the perfect March day. But it was kind of taunting me, as I couldn't go outside and enjoy it. Given the circumstances of the day, I think I handled it the best that I could. But today it was all windy and rainy, and I felt cheated out of my beautiful day! 

Safe to say, I have learnt my lesson. Next time, eat first, drink singles, and water every now and again! Although... it wasn't really my fault. But it kinda was. But I'm ok :)  Normal blog posting resumes now. 

Today, this is me:

See you tomorrow!

Friday 6 March 2015

How I feel about science

Hello Splodgies! 

....There are lots of feelings I have about science. 

Number one on the list of things I feel about science is that it is FASCINATING.

Following closely behind are that it is also the only way we know anything and yet we can never possibly know everything because science is imperfect in it's methods used for fathoming the unmeasurable. 

I can sit and read about science for a long time- and discuss it at length with other people. So for ease of writing (because this could be a very long blogpost otherwise that I have neither the time or energy to do) I shall split it into the sections that I had studied them at school. They frequently overlap one another although most of my teachers liked to pretend otherwise. So, in alphabetical order...


Living stuff. And dead stuff. Basically stuff that is or has been alive. So so so much variety here. And I think that its strange how a bog standard plant cell is quite a lot more complicated than the bog standard animal cell- mainly in that it contains more parts. Or this was how I felt until I had studied cell microbiology at A-level. There is probably a person who has studied biology further than me who's reading this and thinking "...she has no idea" and you're right. Despite being very enthusiastic about studying living and having lived things, a teacher put me off studying it forever when he told me I was going to fail my A- level. I didn't fail it, but I only achieved a grade D. But in a grammar school those things are almost synonymous. 

I had something of a Darwinian interest in biology in that my main interest stemmed from my interest in animals and what made them different form each other. It wouldn't have been unusual for an 8 year old version of myself to be found on a very old computer using a CD-ROM (remember those??) of the Dorling Kindersley Children's Encyclopedia of Animals, or watching a video taped episode of Wildlife on One from before I was born. I remember feeling thoroughly irritated when the channel it was broadcast on was changed and it became Wildlife on Two instead. In my brain I had justified this in that "It didn't rhyme" not yet having the vocabulary to describe what I would later understand as the concept of alliteration. Either way, my interest in human biology didn't really start until I started properly thinking about the science of my own health. And I got really into the structure and workings of eyes as soon as I started wearing glasses that wouldn't make the present version of myself cringe with how horrible they were. I even considered being an optician after a lengthy discussion with a locum optometrist who was testing my eyes and asking her questions about how all the different slit lamps and so on worked. I still don't know the difference between an optician and an optometrist but I still like having these conversations whenever I visit one. 


Non-living stuff. But also the way by which living stuff continues living. This is a key example of how my teachers (particularly in secondary school, but before 6thform) would pretend that other areas of science didn't overlap. It's all very well having twelve year olds burning magnesium in a crucible over a bunsen burner, but if they are led to believe that there is no use for these kinds of reactions in biology, then that's just... stupid. Because of course bodies need magnesium. My ghosts of chemistry teachers past were much more accepting of physics as an overlapping science because they could demonstrate it happening with all kinds of electron diagrams explaining why certain elements bonded to others, and why some didn't bond to anything at all. Much like I never bonded my intellectual curiosity to pursuing chemistry further. Whilst I did find it interesting how certain chemicals would glow, and some would smell if you poured this onto it, I found that (as with much of my learning at that age) I felt there was no real practical application for what I was learning, and so disregarded it as something that I only needed to know until I was out of the exam.

Which is kind of a shame really, because there are some really interesting bits of chemistry. And if you'll excuse the pun I've kind of burned my bridges with chemistry. I don't think there's any going back to chemistry study-wise at least. Unless its coming at it from a biological point of interest I don't think I'll be going back there.


I love physics. Because it makes me understand how things work in a mechanical sense. But it also makes me understand things on much larger scales like how planets work and stars and gravity and how elements are forged in stars. Simple things like hydrogen and helium. And again, how things work on tiny little scales, along with my old frenemy chemistry. How things move on a molecular level is fascinating! I like cosmic physics in particular. How because of some tiny coincidence the exact distance between our planet and the sun that we're always going round and around is in the perfect zone of being neither too hot nor too cold and allowed all that other chemistry and biology to happen! What are the chances? Relatively slim. 

My main problem with physics is that it uses a language to understand it's theoretical side that I don't understand very well. Mathematics. I just cannot wrap my head around the numbers- it's my main downfall in having studied physics in the past. I can't do the maths, so it looks like I don't understand. But give me a diagram or a model and I can explain how/why something I learnt about physics works. I think this inability to express what I've learnt or measure and calculate things is a reason that I've not pursued physics academically and rather choose to read about it in my own time for my own interests or watch documentaries or talk to people who know more about it than I do so that I can understand more. Because I love understanding things! 


This might be my favourite one. The science of how people think and behave. Which is something that I find both endlessly fascinating and confusing. I feel like I might not fall within a bell curve of normal cognition, but rather on the outer edge of the decline or incline of that bell curve. Not right at the ends but...yeah. But then maybe everyone feels like that. I just don't know. 

One of the things that I both like and dislike about psychology is that most of what it is cannot be measure. You can say "How much can you remember about x?" and the answer is never going to be "I have retained a total of 13GB of information, only 40% of which I am consciously aware of" because you cannot turn a human brain into a computer. It seems strange that people would try to make a brain into something as definite and quantifiable as a computer. And yet at the same time I think that's a very human thing to do because it would help us to understand how it worked, and in understanding something better we can utilise it more efficiently. I know that there is that saying that popped up from somewhere "We only use about 10% of our mental capacity" but whoever said that was making that up too- because mental capacity is so variable between people that measuring 10% of any person's mental capacity is just not do-able!  Humans like to divide most things into a binary "yes" or a "no" and that any area in between also needs categorising. But the thing is, there are as many categories as there are people, so it seems a little... well silly to me.

Another thing I really like about psychology (and here I'm using artistic licence to blur between the lines of psychology and sociology) is how it distinguishes how beings with consciousness interact with each other and communicate emotional intelligence. This is one of the things that I feel is a good argument for my continuing to be a vegetarian- if an animal has the emotional intelligence to feel and express a range of complex emotions then it has the capacity to feel suffering as a by-product of being reared purely for food, even if the animal didn't understand that it's purpose was to be nothing more than fuel. If I were forced to eat meat for dietary or survival purposes, I would stick to eating birds or fish, because their non-mammalian brains are more primitive in their structure and would be less likely that they could feel such acute distress at this pre-determined purpose that they have no control over. If I was to voluntarily eat meat I would be very very picky about where it came from. To the point at which its easier just to be a vegetarian. 

....and that's all I have to say about science right now! I would've written some more, but whilst I was writing this I got involved in a comment war on facebook with my sister. This took up some considerable time, and I hate to use this excuse again, but I am so tired now that I simply must go to sleep. It's been a little while since I've written this much on a blogpost but I hope you enjoyed it anyway. If you don't like science them... well sorry I haven't catered to your tastes very well. And if you really don't like science than I can only assume you haven't read that much about it because there is so much to read!! It's brill! 

Tonight, this is me:

See you tomorrow!

Thursday 5 March 2015

breifly breifly

Hi again Splodgies! 

I've done that thing again where I stay up later than I had intended to do but become strangely productive... anyway I PROMISE that tomorrow I will have made more time for a better post. That's because I have the afternoon off tomorrow, and all I'll be using that afternoon for is to teach one ukulele lesson ad to write a decent blogpost. I'll see you all in,  but to everyone who's reading thanks for checking in! 

Today, this is me: 

See you tomorrow!

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Sunny Day

Hello Splodgies! 

Today was a good day :) It was both sunny and not unbearably cold and windy and thus I could spend some time in the outside world. 

My day started like this:

And ended like this. Today, this is me: 

Sorry I don't have more energy to write something more interesting. I did have something better planned but the sleepiness has taken over my brain! 

See you tomorrow!

Tuesday 3 March 2015

Guests and Cups

Hello Splodgies!

I'm back and feeling refreshed! Firstly, many thanks to Jeanette who guest wrote yesterday's Daily Splodge. And this got me thinking- it might be nice to have a regular spot for guest writers! For a number of reasons, the most important of which being that the stuff on this blog is always interesting to read- I've noticed the quality of my own writing going downhill lately, particularly when there isn't much that I feel like sharing on the blog. However, people who don't write for an (although admittedly not huge) audience every day might not know how difficult it is for a person to come up with something interesting for people to read every day. And if nothing else it gives my addled brain a little rest :) 

So it is for this reason that I shall open up the suggestions! Please consider the following!: 
  • How often should the guest spot be open?
  •  Once a week? Once a month? 
  • Are there any particular things you'd like to see guest writers cover? 
  • Who should be the people that get to be guests? (Ultimately, I will get the final say, but I'm open to inviting people who are requested to be a guest writer) 

...I think it'd be nice to get some more variety on this blog! I feel stale! Guest writers will help me to keep this fresh :) Also as it's been over 6 months since I've been posting on this blog, I'm now allowed to apply to google to lend the blank spaces in my blog for advertising. What would you all think about this? I mean, I know most people use ad blockers anyway, and I'd be making about 6p a month anyway, given the volume of traffic to this blog, but would anybody think I'm a sellout or be hugely offended if I considered having advertisements on my blog? Let me know!

The other thing I learnt today is how to do the cup song thing from that film Pitch Perfect. I think I was probably doing it for a little too long as all my housemates left the kitchen :P But no matter! I can now do it and sing all the words (that I can remember) from the song. A child taught me how to do it, but here's a tutorial if you want to learn to do it yourself- it's a little challenging at first but its fun too! 

Cheerz dudes. Peace out.

Today, this is me on the shortest bus ride I've ever had in Cumbria:

See you tomorrow!

Monday 2 March 2015

Guest Splodge

Ladies and Gentlemen, Splodgies all, good evening!
So if the intro didn't already give it away, I'm guest blogging tonight for Rosa, because why not, eh? Anyway, about me. I'm Jeanette, and I don't run a blog (yet!), but I usually go as turbochargedhysterics, that in itself an insight into my insanity. Yaay alliteration! ANYWAY. Theatre and film, currently third year in Aberystwyth, and I'm here to talk about growing old in a Uni setting.

I say I'm in third year, I've been in lovely Aberystwyth for more than three years now, finishing off my fourth. And that affects the mindset a bit.
I'm in two mindsets right now, actually. There's the mindset of wanting to actually leave the cocoon and fly off to pastures new, but there's also that thought of leaving home. Yes, home. For those who've gone to University, by the time you leave, it feels like leaving home all over again. You have all your friends here, you've grown to know the town and the Uni inside and out, every nook and cranny explored, in my case anyway. You have your old haunts, your favourite places, and it just feels wrong to leave at this point. But you know you have to, because let's face it, Aber is a small town. Not fit for someone with a degree as specialised as mine. It's a student/family town, and I'm now in the demographic of “working woman”. I have the three-piece suit and everything. I just need to get a clipboard and thin-framed glasses.
Then there's the other mindset. The one that still answers to “DOWN IT FRESHAAAAR”. There's a fresh set of friends who just arrived, and I'm kinda wanting to finish with them. It's the feeling of staying with them as much as I can, since I've already gone through the first set of goodbyes, which weren't easy, let me tell you. Again, it plays with that mindset of leaving home, but giving a very different result. This is me not wanting to leave the cocoon, and it's hard. Especially when you have these new friends telling you “you should stay!”.
While the first mindset is responsible, I don't think that's me. University is not only fun, it's been my safe haven for four years. And for a trans woman of colour like myself, that's golden. I've never experienced being in a place where I'm threatened just by walking out on the street, and quite frankly, I really wish I don't have to.
But that's personal. A lot of people have a lot of reasons for leaving or not leaving. Maybe some people, like me, like the safety net that it's become. Others feel too old for it. There are some who just find it boring and samey, and want to move on with their lives.
And with that, I leave you with a late night selfie with me and my little friends: Snow the bear, Nelson the tiger, and Drossel, my teeny robot.

Tonight, this is me:

Goodnight, everyone!

Sunday 1 March 2015

Grandma's Tea bread

Hello Splodgies!

I made tea bread today! And let me tell you it was FABULOUS! I used my Grandma's recipe, but as I don't (yet) have her permission to make the recipe public, I'll just show you the photos for now. I soaked the raisins in cold tea the night before: 

So they looked like this:

Then I measured out some stuff and mixed it together

Then put the raisins in

So it looked like this:

Then I chucked some of this into the bowl:

And a couple of these:

Then threw them in a big hot box:

Bonus step: Test that it's hot enough with your foot*

After a while take them out and they should be like this! 

They were delish and I was super pleased to be able to serve some to my uke pupil who arrived at my house after this whole baking debacle had finished.

Today, this is me being surprised at the snow in Lancaster that was (as far as I'm aware) not forecast:

See you tomorrow!

*Don't actually put your foot in the oven to test how hot it is. That's just silly and could lead to serious injury. 

Saturday 28 February 2015

fancy pants brownies

hello splodgies!

Here's a picture of a fancy pants brownie that rachel and I shared in the pub. Cake was required.

Today, this is me and my birdies:

see you tomorrow!