Wednesday 11 March 2015

That funny feeling...

Hello Splodgies! 

The blogpost I was intending to publish this evening is currently sitting in the email inbox of my work computer... I was going to email it to myself but forgot to press send because I am a dope. 

In other news I have one of those funny feelings- the ones were you feel slightly sick with a mixture of nerves and anticipation and excitement. I'll tell you more about it tomorrow when I have time. For now though enjoy this awesome video: 

....Yeah, I know its not halloween. But this video is still funny. 

I'll tell you more about the slightly sick with nerves/anticipation/excitement thing tomorrow.

Today, this is me, alone in the office (again): 

I knew I was going to be alone so I brought my digital radio in with me (Because my computer speakers are rubbish) and listened to BBC 6 music all day. Not once did they play any of my requests! :( Never mind. 

See you tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Great
    Love the IT ghost/guy
    LOL as you youngsters say
