Tuesday 3 March 2015

Guests and Cups

Hello Splodgies!

I'm back and feeling refreshed! Firstly, many thanks to Jeanette who guest wrote yesterday's Daily Splodge. And this got me thinking- it might be nice to have a regular spot for guest writers! For a number of reasons, the most important of which being that the stuff on this blog is always interesting to read- I've noticed the quality of my own writing going downhill lately, particularly when there isn't much that I feel like sharing on the blog. However, people who don't write for an (although admittedly not huge) audience every day might not know how difficult it is for a person to come up with something interesting for people to read every day. And if nothing else it gives my addled brain a little rest :) 

So it is for this reason that I shall open up the suggestions! Please consider the following!: 
  • How often should the guest spot be open?
  •  Once a week? Once a month? 
  • Are there any particular things you'd like to see guest writers cover? 
  • Who should be the people that get to be guests? (Ultimately, I will get the final say, but I'm open to inviting people who are requested to be a guest writer) 

...I think it'd be nice to get some more variety on this blog! I feel stale! Guest writers will help me to keep this fresh :) Also as it's been over 6 months since I've been posting on this blog, I'm now allowed to apply to google to lend the blank spaces in my blog for advertising. What would you all think about this? I mean, I know most people use ad blockers anyway, and I'd be making about 6p a month anyway, given the volume of traffic to this blog, but would anybody think I'm a sellout or be hugely offended if I considered having advertisements on my blog? Let me know!

The other thing I learnt today is how to do the cup song thing from that film Pitch Perfect. I think I was probably doing it for a little too long as all my housemates left the kitchen :P But no matter! I can now do it and sing all the words (that I can remember) from the song. A child taught me how to do it, but here's a tutorial if you want to learn to do it yourself- it's a little challenging at first but its fun too! 

Cheerz dudes. Peace out.

Today, this is me on the shortest bus ride I've ever had in Cumbria:

See you tomorrow!

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