Sunday 1 March 2015

Grandma's Tea bread

Hello Splodgies!

I made tea bread today! And let me tell you it was FABULOUS! I used my Grandma's recipe, but as I don't (yet) have her permission to make the recipe public, I'll just show you the photos for now. I soaked the raisins in cold tea the night before: 

So they looked like this:

Then I measured out some stuff and mixed it together

Then put the raisins in

So it looked like this:

Then I chucked some of this into the bowl:

And a couple of these:

Then threw them in a big hot box:

Bonus step: Test that it's hot enough with your foot*

After a while take them out and they should be like this! 

They were delish and I was super pleased to be able to serve some to my uke pupil who arrived at my house after this whole baking debacle had finished.

Today, this is me being surprised at the snow in Lancaster that was (as far as I'm aware) not forecast:

See you tomorrow!

*Don't actually put your foot in the oven to test how hot it is. That's just silly and could lead to serious injury. 

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