Thursday 12 March 2015

On bravery

Dear Splodgies

Many thanks for your patience over the last few days! Sorry I've not been blogging as well recently. I've been super busy trying to sort out what will be happening in my life when my job ends. 

Last night (technically two nights ago as I was supposed to post this yesterday) I was thinking a great deal about bravery. Because I often feel as though I am being brave- even though it my look as though I am just going about my business as usual. In fact, a few months ago I said to someone "Every day I am brave" and I think the vast majority of the time this is true. Because to me, it seems nescessary.

Before I go into that a little more, I need your help with something. Defining bravery. I think this probably has a very different definition depending on who you ask. If you ask a surgeon what bravery is, they might say it is performing a risky operation. If you ask a fire fighter what bravery is, they might say that it is waiting to know that a building is safe to go into before you try to save anyone else, even if that building is on fire. 

I think what's key to all these definitions of bravery that I can think of is that they all come with an element of risk involved in each one. They all require exposure to the potential of something bad happening in the hope that something good will happen, and knowing full well the concequences of what might happen if things went wrong.

I asked Siri to define bravery and was told that bravery is "a quality of spirit that allows you to face danger or pain without showing fear" and then a second definition "feeling no fear". But the crucial difference between the two is that the first suggests that for bravery to exist, fear is nescessary. But the second definition is suggests the opposite.  It seems to suggest that an absence of fear is the same as bravery. 

Please- let me know what you think about what bravery is. I'm really interested to know if people's thoughts chime with mine... I think it's a very telling part of a person's character to know what they think is brave.

I had planned to write more than this, but I've been extremely busy today, so shan't write anymore this evening. I'll definitely write more about this another time though. 

Yesterday, this was me: 

Yesterday because I lost the photo I was going to use for today. That and I'm literally about to go to sleep.

See you tomorrow!


  1. I think bravery is to do something even if you know the outcome might hurt you physically or emotionally. And yeah if you are not afraid then you need no bravery. So yeah fear and bravery are part of the same equation.

  2. I think that bravery is doing something (dangerous or not) in spite of any fear that you might feel.
