Monday 9 March 2015

After a haitus....

Hello Splodgies!

The more astute of you will have noticed that I haven't blogged all weekend. This unplanned haitus was due to drinking a couple too many of these:

....Even at the time of drinking this, I was concerned about it glowing. Is gin supposed to glow under the light? Anyway. I was more sensible than one might have expected... in that I didn't make a fool of myself, and got myself home safely. I only drunk-dialled one person, and that person also happened to be drunk (what up, Amber! :D )It was a Saturday night after all! And she didn't seem too displeased to receive a call. And I sent and received lots of nice snapchats! 

What was less dignified was the number of times I went and crouched in front of my toilet the next day. I spent a long time curled up in bed with the window and curtains open. It was a beautiful day yesterday and it was breezy and warm. Perhaps the perfect March day. But it was kind of taunting me, as I couldn't go outside and enjoy it. Given the circumstances of the day, I think I handled it the best that I could. But today it was all windy and rainy, and I felt cheated out of my beautiful day! 

Safe to say, I have learnt my lesson. Next time, eat first, drink singles, and water every now and again! Although... it wasn't really my fault. But it kinda was. But I'm ok :)  Normal blog posting resumes now. 

Today, this is me:

See you tomorrow!

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