Sunday 29 March 2015

I'm taking a break

Hello Splodgies!

Time for a small announcement:

 I've been blogging on here pretty much every day for nearly a year now. I've not posted for a couple of days, and as yet, either nobody has noticed or nobody has asked me about it. The reason is that recently I feel like most of my writing on here has been a bit... well, rubbish. So I feel like writing isn't really working for me anymore, or at least writing like this and attempting to do it every day. 

There are lots of things that I'd like to write about on the blog, but I'm not certain that I'm allowed to write about my work for various data protection, child protection reasons etc, so on the whole I've not written about my work at all, other than saying that I enjoy it. My job is coming to an end very soon and I don't feel very creatively charged towards this kind of writing right now (I almost wrote write now there!) and I'd rather have a less frequent blog with good material on it than a daily blog that's occasionally decent, but is usually a crappy "I'm tired and I worked really hard today" post which is what I feel like I've been doing the past few months. It stresses me out to think that I'm not writing good material anymore, and the stress makes me want to blog even less- even though I've put this challenge on myself, I feel some sort of obligation to be posting for the people who read it - you - every time I publish something. That if I continue posting crap that has no meaning and nothing interesting in it, people will stop reading all together. And that's not what I want. I want to be writing good material, that people relate to or find interesting or funny. And I feel like I've not done that in a long time. 

I'm not giving up on the blog, I'm just allowing myself to write less frequently and better material. I've lots of ideas of what I want to write about, but often when it comes to having time to write the blog, the days when I have good ideas, I'm too tired to write about and the days I have done nothing I have nothing to write about. You see my dilemma? 

I think I've done pretty well to last this long, but for now I'm going to leave the metaphorical notebook that is this blog at my metaphorical desk. The book is still open, and the lid to my pen is off, it's just a case of when I'm picking up the pen, I want to write something that I like. Not something that I feel isn't worth sharing. I'm sure you all understand and I just wanted to thank you all for your continued readership! 295 posts and nearly 9000 views later I've arrived at this crossroads and I've decided it's time to take a new direction. The non-daily one. 

In the mean time if you're interested in writing a guest spot on the blog, get in touch an we can chat about it :) Almost anything is allowed on the blog (usual rules about hate speech etc. apply, but that's pretty obvious- don't wanna be spreading hate on my blog!) so if you have an inkling of something you'd like to do, or if you've ever wanted to blog but didn't feel like you had enough stuff to keep it going, you can guest blog on here. 

That's all for now, folks. Thanks for reading. 

Today, this is me:

See you tomorrow!

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