Wednesday 25 March 2015

Time passes

Hello Splodgies! 

Time is strange, don't you think? Recently I have been working three days a week and been on annual leave two days a week. It seems like the days I am working are jam packed with stuff and by the end of the days I'm exhausted- and if I'm not working, and I don't have anything planned, I get very little done- at least, nothing worth reporting. 

I also figure that small and/or fast creatures must perceive time differently. 

Which is the main reason my posts have been so... sporadic in interesting content lately... Sorry and all that... It's coming up to a year that I've been doing the blog soon, so I guess there will be some celebrating happening when the time comes! 

Today I made a pass the parcel for the first time- it occurred to me that I've played pass the parcel so many times, but I'd never actually made one. But I was making one for a legitimate reason, not just at random... 

Today, this is me:

See you tomorrow!

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