Friday 13 March 2015

House Ghost/ new housemate

Dear Splodgies

I would've written about this yesterday, but I'd been putting off my bravery post for too long and I really wanted that to go up before this. Thanks for everyone's comments by the way, its really interesting to read what you think.

Anyway- When I got in from work yesterday, there were a number of things that made me think "we have a new housemate". These things were:

  • A new bottle of shampoo in my shower. Which I guess I'm sharing now.
  • A whole bunch of extra food on the bottom shelf of the fridge
  • a piece of paper on the table with words like "deposit" and "rent" and some numbers

So I thought I'd text the landlord and ask him what was happening. He said that we did have a new housemate, but even though I asked him what the new housemate's name was, the only information I got was "He works nights". So literally the only thing I know about the new housemate is that he likes garnier fructus shampoo and is a he. 

Before I got the text about him working nights, I'd knocked on his door and got no response. So I had probably interrupted his sleep. I felt bad about it, but not for very long. 

Reasons I stopped feeling bad about it:

  • He has blatantly avoided me for nearly 48 hours, even though I've tried to introduce myself
  • He has used my moisturiser and various things in the bathroom even though they were in a little box to the side.
  • He stole my toilet paper
  • He used my white face cloth to clean something that was apparently very dirty, and has left it over the radiator in the bathroom covered in stains. Without so much as a note to say "sorry I've ruined it"

....I have to admit I am a bit pissed off. But I'm moving out in less than a month, so I won't need to put up with it for very long. In the mean time, if he gives me any more reason for war, I'm going to start playing music very loudly whilst taking showers in the middle of the day. 

Today this is me feeling incredulous/plotting revenge:

See you tomorrow!

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