Tuesday 17 March 2015

Pffft. Disappointed.

Dear Splodgies

I'm feeling like this, this evening: 

Grumpy, disappointed. And if I'm honest a bit pissed off. Today I got an email telling me that I'd not been shortlisted for an interview for a job that I really really wanted. I'd spent a really long time writing a really good cover letter, and got lots of people to proof read it- people who really knew what they were talking about and were in the biz. I was so confident that my application was so good I would at least be interviewed. I was sure I was perfect for the job, but I wasn't so arrogant to think that getting it would be a complete breeze. I was definitely going to get an interview. 

So my initial reaction to receiving the rejection email was "Did they even read my application??" But then I took time to properly read the email. "We received an overwhelming number of applications, and the standard was very high. Unfortunately you were not short listed for interview". I understood. It was a great job, and I didn't expect to be the only applicant. It was in a big city, known for experimental theatre. I really cared about getting this job, and making a difference in the work that I do. Despite my best efforts they- well I don't want to say "didn't want to interview me", I think "were unable to interview me" is probably a more accurate guess. But I thought the best thing I could do was to reply and thank them for their consideration. 

So I did. I also asked them to give me some feedback, because if nothing else I can learn from this! Perhaps next time I apply for  a job like that, it will be their feedback that helps me make my application stand out enough for interview. Let's hope so! 

Today, this is me choosing to remain positive:

See you tomorrow!

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