Wednesday 18 March 2015

Silver Linings

Evening Splodgies! 

You need to have read yesterday's post for today's post to make sense.

So you'll know that yesterday I was super bummed out about missing out on that job I had applied for. But the silver lining came today in the form of an email I'd received. Remember I had asked for feedback? Well I got some- and it was good! They told me that 79 people had applied- and I was ...sort of short-listed, just not for interview. I was in the top 25, and they were impressed with my experience "for such a relatively recent graduate". So I was pleased. There was a little more about why I wasn't chosen (other candidates had more experience and at greater breadth), but all in all I went away feeling much much better about the whole thing- and sent them a reply telling them so! 

Also it was a super sunny day so obviously we were very productive in the office today leading to such funtimes as this: 

I tried to tweet this picture to the radio DJ we were listening to at the time, but my phone decided that it was temporarily tired of telling me anything about twitter (it wasn't even on silent or anything, it just stopped notifying me!) so by the time I went back and looked at my notifications many hours later it was too out of context to share this picture. We don't usually have a radio in the office, but I had thought I was going to be alone in the office so I brought it in. I must admit we did do a little bit of a dance in our chairs. With our sunglasses on. And felt supremely cool. Right, Becca???

As it was a sunny day, instead of going strait home, I went for a walk through the park, attempted to FactTime a friend, failed, and ended up using the outdoor gym equipment for funsies. Being the obnoxious type of person that I am, I had been carrying my radio around in my hand rather than in my backpack like a normal person. I had been playing it in / around the bus station whilst Becca was waiting for her bus. In my head I was kind of providing alternative music for the people- as I was listening to BBC Radio 6 Music- which is my new favourite station. Unfortunately it was whilst the 2 hourly new bulletin was playing so I looked quite odd until the music came back on. Either way, after Becca left on the bus, I went to the park and idiotically balanced my radio on the top of the exercise bike. Of course. It fell off. The radio was ok, but the handle wasn't. It's not utterly destroyed or anything, but I couldn't find the bit that holds it in fast. It all still works ok- I'm just going to stop balancing it on top of things. Still living on the wild side, just not quite so wild :P 

Today, this is me post- ukulele lesson

See you tomorrow!

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