Monday 23 March 2015

Duck Tales (a-wooo woooo)

Good Evening chumaroos!

I've had a bit of a strange day today. Firstly, my body was ready to wake up before my brain- so I found myself walking around making breakfast like a zombie. 

Secondly a series of strange phone calls happened in very quick succession all from different people. 

Then a man was knocking on my door asking if I wanted to buy any fresh fish today. I told him I was a vegetarian and didn't eat fish- I was very glad that I didn't have to have the "A fish is not a plant" conversation with him. What was odd was that he didn't seem to have any fresh fish to sell. So I was utterly perplexed. 

Next my mum called and asked me to check to see if the chickens had laid any eggs. I was just minding my own business going down the steps into the garden when there was a very loud quacking and flapping sound and a duck flew out of the vegetable patch where it waddled around on the path looking very territorial

I think it had been trying to make a nest in the strawberry beds. You can see near the top of the picture two of the chickens looking very suspicious and similarly perplexed by the duck. Anyway as she was wandering around quacking indignantly (presumably I had knocked her concentrations on making a nest) and I was a bit worried because the duck had most definitely been alarmed by my seemingly sudden appearance. Because the chickens knew what the slam of the back door meant, but the duck had not known to expect somebody in a bright orange hoody to come up behind and scare her. I felt pretty bad about it- but it was strange that the duck was there at all, because she wasn't in the pond having a bath or eating the frogspawn or anything. Anyway, she flew onto the roof of the garage that also makes up the wall of the garden where she sat and carried on quacking. The chickens and I looked up and tried to work out what on earth her problem was. 

I tried to apologise to her, but in the end, she flew away making so much noise!! turned out that the chickens had laid an egg.

Also, RIP Roxy, who died this weekend. A much loved chicken, with a talent for running very fast and squeezing through gaps in the hedge. 

Today, this is me feeling like I'm wearing too many layers: 

See you tomorrow!

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