Wednesday 18 February 2015

A Breif Time In Lancaster (And Book Success)

Hello Splodgies! 

Today was my only full day back in Lancaster. But rather than use it to try and cram lots of things in, I decided to have a really relaxed day. Me and Anna went to get some fancy pants coffee: 

And we had a good catch up as we were drinking our beverages. Then low and behold who should come in but Louie and Lee and so we had a catch up with them- even though they were supposed to be working! 

Then we went to Waterstones and I FINALLY managed to purchase Adventure Time vol. 5 and I also treated myself to a copy of Tina Fey's autobiography. I've been meaning to read both of these for quite some time. Much joy! Also I found out the name of the cheery American woman who works in Waterstones who I always have a chat with- which was nice :) 

Then I came home, taught a ukulele lesson, made a saag paneer and watched Eastenders with my family. All in all, a pretty chilled out day, if you ask me! 

Today, this is me:

See you tomorrow!

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