Tuesday 3 February 2015

Tea tree oil is amazing

Hello Splodgies!

Recently I discovered the wonders of tea tree oil.

What with all this cold and windy weather, I've been having quite a bit more trouble with my skin than usual, what with it drying out and becoming very itchy and so on. 

The past few days I've been using A LOT of tea tree oil on my skin. Like, you know how you're only supposed to use a few drops? Well I've been using lots of drops. I lost count. Because I wasn't counting. And then moisturiser on the top. It burns like hell for a few minutes but then after that the itchiness has gone and the moisturiser is dealing with the dryness. And it's helping to heal my eczema too! Here are a list of other things that tea tree oil is good for, none of which are currently irking me:

  • acne [never really been a massive problem for me, but can understand why tea tree oil helps]
  • decongestant
  • head lice
  • athlete's foot
  • yeast infections
  • dandruff
  • sun burn

...its just that awesome. If anyone ever asks me what the secret to my great skin is (not that anyone ever has or will, because it's not that great, it's just not terrible) I will say "Oh, don't you know? It's tea tree oil!" Then swagger off looking very pleased with myself.

What's super great about it is it is so inexpensive, I got a little bottle at Bodycare for less than £1. I think it was 89p. And, for me, it's super effective. Like using a water type pokemon to fight a fire pokemon. 

Today, this is me: 

See you tomorrow!

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