Thursday 5 February 2015

Technically Cheating

Hello Splodgies! 

Most of you who read my blog are my friends and get it via the facebook news feed. But if (for some bizarre reason) you're a stranger reading this, or perhaps you are a friend who doesn't have facebook (I'm looking at YOU, Ruthie-pie) Here are some really nice shots I took of Derwent Water this evening after work: 

I took a similar one to this exactly two weeks ago! ...well a little more than two weeks exactly, if you want to be counting the hours! 

Full disclosure, although none of these pictures have digitally added filters on them, I have altered the light exposure on one or two of them whilst taking the photos:

....this one is alright. I much prefer the next one though. If you're reading the blog on a mobile, now would be the time to switch from holding your phone up, to holding your phone sideways! 

In ^this^ one, I had walked to the end of the track to try and get a good picture up the lake but it was slightly later than I had anticipated, because I had stopped to chat to a couple of other people who were doing the same thing as me- trying to get a picture of the sunset on the dramatic scenery- and stopped to take some pictures for a couple who wanted the scenery in the background. I didn't know how to work their tablet as well as I can work my phone, and because there was an object in the foreground blah blah blah, basically the pictures weren't as good because I wasn't so familiar with the device. 

I do like this next one where I managed to get a partial view up the lake, but I also managed to get some of that awesome sky in. And the reflection makes it all the better! 

The reason this post is called "technically cheating" is because these pictures are already on facebook. But I thought, as I hadn't really provided much commentary beyond "right place, right time" I thought this could be a legit blogpost :)

Today, this is me, just before I stopped to take a picture for the aforementioned couple:

Sadly, I missed my bus. I thought I was going to be late to teach a ukulele lesson, but in the end it was all fine, thanks to me being able to catch the lesser-spotted X9 bus. Which apparently does not have a time table on any of the places that you would expect to find them. Not on the bus stop where I got on, nor at the bus stop where I got off. But everything was fine in the end :)

See you tomorrow!

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