Tuesday 10 February 2015

Are super fruits made of LIES!?

Hello Splogies!! 

Guess what I ate today:

.....that's right. Blueberries.

...They are, supposedly, a super fruit. According to some magazine I read somewhere, anyway. But being the kind of person who never purchases magazines and only ever reads them in waiting rooms to avoid conversation and/or eye contact with fellow patients/customers/clients, I find it hard to believe that any magazine I have ever read is up to date. 

But this doesn't mean I am behind on the super fruits thing. I have long since been suspicious that the super fruits are rather a super-ridiculous-ploy-to-get-the-gullible-to-buy-more-expensive-fruit ploy. 

Here are a list of things that I have seen categorised as super fruits (or super veg):

  • blueberries
  • curly kale
  • purple sprouting broccoli
  • pomegranates
  • coconuts
  • goji berries
  • lychees
  • flax seeds
  • spinach

....Most of these lay claim to being a super food by having a particularly high content of one nutrient or another. One of my favourite facts to tell people is that gram for gram, blackcurrants have a much higher density of vitamin C than lemons do. 

I think the whole system of classifying super foods should be put through the shredder. It makes them more expensive to buy!! But although I don't like pomegranates (too fiddly to eat, also one of the hardest stains to get out of upholstery- thanks for that insider info, Amber. Also, I just don't like the taste) and I'm not even sure I can eat flax seeds (I might be allergic. It's not that unlikely as I'm allergic to many many things).

There are some of these so called "super foods" that I do like; I eat spinach almost every day. But I'd be doing that even if it wasn't a super food. I bought the blueberries because they were on offer. When I got them out of the packet though, they were disappointingly squidgy and sad. Some were nice. Then I looked at the packet again and saw how far they had come across the world, and I felt ashamed. 

But I'll leave the decision to you: are super fruits a stupid idea? or are they a harmless fad? Perhaps they are a con? Are they genuine?? Let me know in the comments.

Today, this is me: 

See you tomorrow!

p.s. I got an email from my grandma today, telling me that she had read my blog! So if you're reading this, Grandma...Hi there!

1 comment:

  1. Yup
    It's all bollocks
    Like most things you read in magazines (cf detoxing)
    That's capitalism folks!
    However, this does not detract from the fact that kale spinach blueberries etc are yummy and good for you
    Enjoy ;)
