Saturday 14 February 2015

Public Transport Grumbles

Hello Splodgies!

Today, I was on the bus, and it was the most crowded my commute has ever been! And it didn't help like it was one of the small buses. And it was late, meaning that even more people than usual got on it. 

So lots of us were standing, which was fine, but the bloke in front of me had a big rucksack on his back. This wouldn't have been such a problem if he wasn't being so inconsiderate about the space he was taking up and kept spinning around to talk to these two women who had managed to get seats- but in the process was repeatedly beating another woman in the face, not just with his backpack but also with his walking poles. 

And I'm just standing there, holding onto the pole and having my hand headbutted by the same man, and I'm thinking "I should probably say something, now that my fingers are bruised and that woman has almost had her eyes scratched out by the walking poles" But in a bout of painfully British Britishness... I said nothing, and instead frowned in disapproval whilst watching what happened in a kind of passive-aggressive stand off between myself and the side of his head. 

Today, this is me:

See you tomorrow!

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