Sunday 15 February 2015

A Day of Contemplation - America Trip Edition.

Hello Splodgies! 

Today I've had a day off- which has been nice :)

I've not been especially active today, but I have been doing lots of thinking and some planning in a round about sort of a way. 

To those of you who don't know, I studied for a year in America. Over that time I met lots and lots of very excellent people, and it's high time I see them again. I feel like I don't just owe my friends a visit, but I owe myself too, so I've been thinking about my next trip to America. Which hopefully, will be very soon. There are lots of places I want to go- 

  • New York City (again) - to do lots of fun stuff and see some people!
  • Washington DC - to see my old roomie Ashley, who is quite possibly the best human you could ever meet
  • Columbus OH and Cleveland OH to do some friend visiting
  • Bowling Green OH, to see how much the university has changed
  • Chicago- because it seems so cool and I've never been there except for the airport! 

Going back is something I've wanted to do for a really long time, but it's only now that the possibility of going back has become a reality. I've been saving a lot and I think I can do it if I do it all on a budget that I will strictly stick to. 

Whilst I'm there, I'm still going to be blogging (hopefully!) but I'm also wanting to make some sort of documentary while I'm out there, even if it's only for myself. 

If you're one of my American chums reading this, I'm planning on being in the USA for about a month, let me know your location (so many of you have left BG by now!) and I'll see if I can come and visit you :) 

Today, this is me:

See you tomorrow!

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