Saturday 7 February 2015

Super Day

Hello Splodgies! 

Remember a little while ago when I wrote a blog post titled "golden finger" ? Well this is the follow up! 

Today, my good friend Sarah got married! I sent her and Alex (her now husband!) a box of paper cranes I'd made specially, as I wasn't able to go down to their wedding. Kudos to Nej for all the pictures she sent me:

Nej tells me there was a great big waft of washi papery air that came out of the box.  I'm told the words "COME AND SMELL THE BOX!" were... well, not uttered, more chanted? 

Here are some birds in full wedding action swing ^^ 

And ^here^ are some birds in post wedding wind down. 

I'm not sure at what point Sarah and Alex will realise that they say "Sarah & Alex, 7th February 2015" inside all the birds, but I hope it's not never. Congratulations! Much love to you :) 

I also had a really great day at work, but for various child protection reasons, I'm not going to name names or anything, so I can't really tell you anything about it. Just that I'm really proud of the group :) 

Today, this is me feeling utterly chuffed on my way home: 

See you tomorrow!

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