Wednesday 11 February 2015

Google + is a confusing place on the internet.

Good evening splodgies!

I did have another post planned for today, but I suppose that will have to wait. I was trying to do something on youtube earlier and accidentally clicked onto my Google+ account. For those who don't know, you have to have a google account to have a youtube account. Which is pretty stinky.

Anyway, there I was on google+ wondering how on earth I got there, and I realised that it still said I was living in Aberystwyth. I am not. But it took me FOREVER to find how to change it. And then for shitz n gigs, I changed my cover photo.

I can't really see much point in google+ if I'm honest. I know that having a google account has lots of benefits, such as being able to have a gmail account, and a youtube account, and an account on which to make this blog. But as a social networking site, it doesn't do anything that Facebook doesn't do already and doesn't do anything that Facebook couldn't adapt to catch up in. And nearly everyone is already on facebook.

The only thing I prefer about Google+ is that it doesn't insist on everything being that boring shade of blue. Google+ is pretty much devoid of my friends, there's only one photo of me on there- and that's my user picture! 

I don't know... I remember a time when we all thought Myspace would last. And Bebo. Perhaps Google+ will catch up? But it's been around that long that I think if it was going to overtake Facebook it probably would've done it by now. 

Here's a song about how annoying Google+ was in the very beginning. 

Tell me your thoughts about this in the comment section! The song, and the concept of Google+! 

Today, this is me: 

See you tomorrow!

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