Tuesday 17 February 2015

Return of the Pubquiz

Good Evening Splodgies! 

This evening I have been at the pub quiz at the White Cross! It's been such a long time but it was nice to catch up with some of my buddies :) Some of my favourite contributions to tonight's proceedings:

  • Andy Pandy began in 1950
  • Knowing who played Rickaaaay on Eastenders
  • a 10 sided 2D shape is a decagon
  • Knowing some English cities that had 10 letters in their name.
....We came 2nd in the end and won a fiver each! 

Earlier today I had been painting boxes and stage stuff for the Feb Fest this weekend- and sadly the paint I was using went through the overalls I was wearing. Never mind! It came off in the wash :)

Today, this is me:

See you tomorrow!

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