Friday 20 February 2015

Pulling it outta the bag

Hello Splodgies!

...apparently for some reason my blog didn't publish yesterday... and the post I wrote has also disappeared. So ...sorry. It wasn't anything hugely important though, so don't worry. I've not lost a ton of writing. 

Today started off very stressfully, as I was supposed to be getting on a bus at 8.10, but I woke up not at 7.15, but at 7.49. I had to do one of my "can I get up and dressed and gather everything together and get to the bus stop in time to catch the bus" style rushes. Turns out that today, I could! I'm so glad I sorted most of the stuff last night... 

Anyway, today at work we were doing the February Festival and rehearsing in the afternoon. I was really worried that the companies wouldn't be ready judging by the tech and dress rehearsals- but in the end, they pulled it outta the bag! Like a cat! Or a rabbit! or... I dunno what else people usually pull out of bags, but Mary Poppins managed to pull out a whole bunch of stuff from her bag so... I can't really compete with that.

Over the next few days I'm going to be super busy with other Feb Fest stuff, so I'm unlikely to have a hugely detailed or interesting blog for the next few days. 

Hope you are all well

Today, this is me:

See you tomorrow!

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