Sunday 8 February 2015

Emerging from the Fog

Hello Splodgies!

Today has been a dramatically foggy day in Workington- or at least the morning was. I was inside most of the day at work. I had a super great time and we made lots of progress! But for the same reasons as yesterday, there shall be no details further than I am very very proud of the group :) 

By the time I got home, most of the fog had cleared. 

Walking to work in the morning though felt super dramatic- a little like this:

....Obviously I am not the moon. Nor am I as shiny as the moon. Nor am I full of craters. But I did walk out of the fog! Obviously the humidity made my hair a bit funny, but considering that I don't have curly hair, I was quite lucky. Anyway, you couldn't see very far infront at all. Normally when I turn a corner on my walk to work, I can see the traffic lights and beyond very clearly up the road. Today, I could hardly see the traffic lights at all- the only thing I could see was a small patch of the fog glowing in traffic light colours. It was very strange indeed. I can't remember having been in fog this thick for a very very long time. I was glad that I didn't have to drive...

Today, this is me:

See you tomorrow!

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