Sunday 30 November 2014

The Big Scary Not-So-Far-Away Future

Good evening! this afternoon, Mr. Upstairs came back for his fish. Unfortunately Ms.Upstairs who had decided to take care of the fish because we thought they'd been abandoned was not in, and the fish were in her room.  I gave him is capo back and explained about the fish, hoping that Ms. Upstairs had left her door open. She had, and he got his fish back and left his house keys with me. I guess I'll give them to the landlord. The next time he shows up or whatever. Surprisingly it was neither excruciatingly embarassing to give him the capo back.

Anyway, this evening and the past couple of evenings actually, I have been considering what to do at the end of my internship, should the theatre I work with decide not to keep me on (which is looking ever more likely as there don't seem to be any projects happening between march and September- or at least nothing that has been mentioned to me). I've been exploring several possibilities:

1) Go to America. Which I will do asap anyway to visit friends and all that jazz- because I miss them so much! I also want to take a look at the sort of work I have been doing and how they do it over there- I'm already chatting with someone about going to see that sort of thing at the moment. Perhaps something will come of that, who knows? 

2) Go back to Lancaster. Inevitably, this will happen for at least a little while whilst I get my metaphorical shit together. And my literal shit. But I'm hoping that that won't last too long, for my family's sake as much as my own. Lancaster is a great place to be, but most of my friends aren't around there anymore and the ones who are are very busy with their own lives and stuff.

3) Go Freelance - Big and scary/exciting. Requires further research before seriously considered as a viable option. Also would require learning to drive- something I'm planning on doing anyway, but when is more the question.

4) Further study - I am really liking the idea of doing an MA right now, to the point where I've got ahead of myself and started looking for places to live in the various places that I want to do MAs in. Was rather getting ahead of myself, but no matter. Pros being that it'd be super awesome and fun and I'd meet and work with lots of new people and it could super advance my career. Cons being mostly financial and the reminder that I already have a whole lot of student debt. Which is why I may wait another year or two before starting. 

Perhaps it is irrational of me to feel this looming sense of fear- and perhaps not. I have always had a plan before, and now I find myself without one its somewhat ...concerning. I try to live in the moment and make the most of everything, but that doesn't mean I don't want to plan to do great things like MAs or other Adventures In Life. 

I'm pretty sure lots of my friends are facing similar dilemmas- so please! Let me know in the comments section what to do!! Those of you who I know already have masters degrees- was it worth it? Did you get what you wanted out of it? Or get closer to what you wanted than with your bachelors degree? 

Today, this is me: 

See you tomorrow

Saturday 29 November 2014

The Pilferer

Evening Splodgekins!!

...remember perhaps a week ago I told you that Mr. Upstairs was moving out? Well today, me and Ms Upstairs had concluded that he had gone and was not coming back, because his room was empty and had been cleaned, and the previous evening some of his friends were going up and down the stairs with his stuff. However, he had left his fish behind. And a number of miscellaneous objects on the landing including a clothes airer and a guitar in a box- a cardboard box, not a proper case or anything. On the guitar was a flat capo and a plectrum. As we decided probably wasn't coming back, she decided she would take care of the fish, and I decided it'd be OK for me to take the capo.

...I'm really hoping that he has left them behind, because if he comes back, I'm the only person in the frame for the pilfering of the capo because I'm the only other person in the house who plays an instrument that uses a capo. But its not like I stole the whole guitar!! My current capo that I legitimately own is one a bit like this:

But the one I stole pilfered  liberated was more like this: 

Which is better for a number of reasons including me being less likely to lose it, and its quicker and easier to use. Granted, it is slightly too wide for a baritone ukulele but not impractically so. 

But I am slightly worried... what should I do if he does come back? Admit it and say sorry and give the capo back to him? Deny all knowledge of it? Pretend I'm not at home? Let me know in the comments section, readers! 

Today, this is me:

See you tomorrow! 

Friday 28 November 2014

Dear Future Self...?

Good Evening Splodgearoos! 

This evening I have been thinking about all the things I would say to myself in future. I reasoned many different things I would say- but then I suddenly stopped myself. Wouldn't I be more interested in asking questions? And how far in the future are we even talking? Five years? Ten? Twenty? 

These are all really complicated questions- first off, would the answers that future me gives always be the same? Or would they vary according to where I am in my present? For example, present me, here on the evening of the 28th of November, 2014 is in a very different place to myself on the same date in 2013. I had no idea that this present would be happening. It would've been great to know I had it to look forward to- as at the time I was thoroughly miserable and living in a house in Manchester that I called The Icebox. But had I not decided that the house was too horrible to continue living in and moved back to Lancaster, would I be where I am now? Its all a sort of long long LONG chain of cause and effect - insert wibbley wobbly timey wimey ball of stuff joke here - But relatively speaking, y'know in the course of the history of the whole of humanity, its a relatively small thing to happen. But to me, it meant a great deal changed. 

If I go out tomorrow and discover something or meet someone, that could set off a chain of events that change my entire future- and present me could be asking all the wrong questions to future me. But if I stay in all weekend and do nothing at all, I'm unlikely to form some such tangential narrative event shaping my potential future. I read a theory once (admittedly a long time ago, and in a philosophy book aimed at teenagers in some vain attempt to prevent them howling into the void with their own existential crises that we all had and trying to make sense of the world around them) that every time a decision is made, a parallel universe splits off in which a different decision was made- excellently demonstrated by the Dr Who episode "Turn Left" ...well sort of- because in that episode there seemed to be only extra universe created by a changed decision. If I recall correctly that is. But this book was suggesting that something as small as choosing to wear a different pair of socks that day would potentially be a decision that creates a new universe. Imagine that! A whole new universe just because I wore my elephant socks instead of my hedgehog ones! And not just that, what about my giraffe socks? There could be a different universe for every pair of socks I could've put on that day. And don't even get me started about where all the missing socks go. 

...So perhaps I need to (theoretically or at least metaphorically consider) questions for every single possible version of myself... well this is going to take some time. My brain is a little scrambled from the enormity of what I am trying to comprehend and articulate. I'm sorry if this post has seemed a little drifty or unclear- but what I'm basically trying to say is that to address my future self would require me to decide on a single version of my future self... and really that's not something that I really want to do. Knowing the future would.. well, spoil the surprise I suppose. I mean, obviously it'd be pretty great to know about any disasters that were going to happen so we could all be out of the way, but the mundane every day, utterly human things that we experience all the time? I'd rather experience them as they were actually happening. And if I dwell too much on the future, I forget to be properly present in the present...

...I'll just leave you with your own thoughts :P let me know what you think in the comments!

Today, this is me: 

See you tomorrow!

Thursday 27 November 2014

A small and startling explosion

Good evening my fine splodgie readers! 

This evening, I came home utterly exhausted after work- it was about 6pm when I got in, so it was already dark outside. I usually light my room with two desk lamps on each side of the room because the light in the ceiling is so ineffective. 

The lamp on my desk has long been a bit temporamental with its wiring, so I was startled, but not all together surprised when I flipped the switch this evening and there was a bang, a flash, and a my whole hand buzzed for a moment. The lamp had stopped working. I checked the bulb, it definitely wasn't the filament! (despite the picture above- I just thought it was a cool picture) Usually there's just a soft ping if the bulb itself blows. I'm not sure if I was actually electrocuted or just startled. Who can say? 

Anyway I texted my landlord to ask him if he could take a look and fix/replace the lamp. Usually it takes him a few days to a week to get anything done that we ask, but today he texted back the same evening and said he'd be in the house tomorrow, so he'd be able to fix it then. Perhaps I'll get a decent working lamp out of it! Let's hope so.

Sorry this post is so short and boring I'm just super tired... I might go to sleep now- and its not even 11pm yet! This is most unusual for me. Ah well! 

Today this is me: 

See you tomorrow!

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Silver linings and musical pleasantness

Good evening splodgies!

Before I get properly started, can we just take a moment to appreciate how (prematurely) festive Cockermouth town centre is looking? Take a look:

Anyway! On to the first bit of today's post! Last night as I was putting my laptop away and getting ready to go to bed, I must have misplaced something in the space under my desk (its sort of drawer shaped, but doesn't actually have a drawer in it) where I keep my ukulele chord books and music and manuscript paper- and my laptop. Because when I went to put my laptop away, yes I was sleepy, but I did slide it in, and as I was about to step away from the desk, I wasn't expecting this to happen: 

Some of you who have me on snapchat will have already seen this. But I wasn't best pleased. Although I think most people were probably asleep at the time, so I felt the need to stifle my urge to cry out in shock. 21 hours later, its looking like this. Much more dramatic, but much less painful. 

The proverbial silver lining to this story is that my laptop (which I've just checked weighs 2.06kg/4.5lb) is completely undamaged by its little tumble. Which is odd. I've dropped it twice on the floor recently, but it seems to have had somewhere between a fall and a slide to the floor both times. Perhaps its a supercomputer? Like a regular computer but fighting crime at night in a disguise and stuff.  So I guess... good thing my laptop survived the fall unscathed, bad thing that my foot didn't. Silver lining? Maybe. But I feel like my little world is in balance.  

And on to part two of the post!! 

The reason I was in Cockermouth this evening was to go to the Open Mic and see Jenn as it had been her birthday at the weekend. I had jolly good time and I played my ukulele. I knew the first song I was going to sing (Dream A Little Dream Of Me) but hadn't really decided on what my second one would be. And in the end, it wasn't either of the two I'd been thinking of doing! I did a different one off the cuff. It was my first time singing/playing there, so I was pleasantly surprised when some people in the audience joined in! The only downside was that I had to get the bus home rather earlier than I would've liked, bu I think I'll definitely go again! ...although, only if it's before Christmas Eve. 

I've not asked you a question in a very long time, readers... it feels odd. But if you fancy putting anything in the comments section it'll be most welcome :) I do appreciate you all!

Today, this is me waiting for my bus back:

See you tomorrow!

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Edit In Progress

Good Evening Spodgies

 At work we've been writing music today for some lyrics we already have. We've had some good stuff. Thats all I have to say for now! I'll keep you posted. 

Sorry this post is so short!

Today, this is me: 

See you tomorrow!

Monday 24 November 2014

Watching Cbeebies Is Literally My Job (Among Other Things)

Good Evening DailySplodge readers! 

Today, I and m'colleague were literally sent home to watch CBeebies. And then when we came back, we wrote songs about Christmas. I love my job! Looking forward to tomorrow :) 

Recently I've been cooking with avacado a bit. Here's a picture of me trying to be like Jamie Oliver and not use a juicer to get the juice out of this lime: 

I got very sticky hands, but it worked well otherwise. And besides, I don't even own a lemon juicer. [Mental Note- buy lemon juicer] I'm not a celebrity chef, but this did taste pretty good! 

Today, this is me: 

See you tomorrow!

Sunday 23 November 2014

A Sunshiney Autumnal Wander

Hello there my fine splodge readers! 

Hope all is well in your respective worlds and that your mind pilots are driving your fleshy machines nicely. I'm sorry this is a little later than usual, I had to wait for this video in this post to upload and it seems to do it at a snail's pace. That is to say if each frame of video was separated into pixels and a single solitary snail was carrying each pixel one at a time for a mile to reconstruct them again at the end. Now that's a metaphor for slow. And if I close my youtube app or allow my phone to lock itself, it stops uploading... so I literally have to watch it all uploading.I don't normally mind things being a little slow, but I'm a bit sleepy! What if I wanted to go to bed?! Also, I run a spell check on this blog now- and I find the irony of's spellchecker not recognising the word blog utterly hilarious. Aaaanyway...! On with the post! 

Today was a beautiful sunny day, and I had no plans, so I just went for a wander! Here's what I found:

Trees! I am not sure if I have ever mentioned how much I love trees. I know I've had that post about how I think people are like trees- but I also love trees for being... well, trees! They look really nice against the sky, don't you think? And they're usually a good a good indicator for what the environment around them is like; e.g. if there is good clean, oxygen rich air, you are more likely to find lichens growing on the bark of the trees and so on. And they're a good indicator of the seasons too! If I woke up in a strange time and I didn't know where I was or even what time of year it was, and I didn't want to attract attention/ arouse suspicion by asking someone, I'd go and look at nature. 

I found this too! An old rail thingy of some kind. It looks like it might have been for a model train or something- but it looked... well, super rusty. Like it hadn't been used in forever!! And it made me think- hang on this goes in a big loop!

Obviously I was going to try walking on it...

So what was it for?? Who's was it? Why wasn't it in use anymore? When did stop being used? Why would they take everything else and leave the rail behind? Why is there nothing else around to indicate the answers to any of these questions?! 

...I had a LOT (capitals and italics for extra emphasis) of questions. I've not googled them or anything, because I think it would kind of spoil the memory of the moment. I'm not going to go looking for the answers even though I'm intensely curious. It'll be all the more satisfying if I just happen to come across the information. I guess we'll wait and see! 

I also thought it was worth taking a picture of this bizarro case of twisted railings. How did it get like that?! I tried and it was pretty impossible to unbend it. It would move, but there was no way I would have had the strength to bend it- who do you think I am, Mr. Incredible?!

Today, this is me enjoying being among the trees: 

you tomorrow!

Saturday 22 November 2014

The Late Night Ramblings Of An Absent Mind.... (Or Not)

G'd even my fine chum reader splogekins!

This evening I've left it a bit late to be blogging really and I did have some very interesting things to say on the subjects of selfies and snapchats- however at present I find myself too sleepy to do the post justice, so I shall leave it for tomorrow. Instead I shall tell you of the merits of mixing pasta with avacado. I SHALL TELL YOU IN PICTURE FORM! 

So now I've told you. Basically it was pretty delish. Next time though, less mushroom, more tomato, no spinach and add a squeeze of lime, I think. Shall try again tomorrow.

Today, this is me:

See you tomorrow!

Friday 21 November 2014

Naps Are Epic!

Hello Splodgies!! 

Once upon a time, my Twinnyola said to me "Naps are for babies and old people" and I think that since she told me this, I have not come across a time when I have taken a nap and I have not enjoyed it or found it beneficial in some way. 

...The thing is, I really love sleeping. And I know I've written on this blog before waaaay back about how much I love sleeping and feeling relaxed, but the thing about normal sleep is that you do it at night, when most people are also sleeping. Because its dark and stuff. And that is when sleep would be at it's most natural. Because of all the various hormones and biorhythms associated with sleep, night time really is the best time to do it. 

...but what about those times when you're feeling really tired and it's not night time? 

Usually for me, I can't have a nap during the day time if I'm tired because I'm at work, but today we were scheduled to finish work earlier than normal. I came home, had a quick chat with my housemate, and went upstairs, and succumbed to my drowsiness. I think the thing I love most about naps is not having to try to stay awake and complete a task. Just going with what your brain is telling you. I was surprised that I'd needed a nap however because I had plenty of sleep the previous night and had a fairly relaxed day at work. The only consequence of my nap is that I'm now quite awake at a time that I would normally be starting to feel sleepy. 

Professor Google and Professor Wikipedia have a lot to say about naps. You should look them up if you are interested- but on the main wiki page for naps, there is less than a full line for the negative benefits of naps "Naps are not recommended for those suffering from insomnia or depression as they may aggravate the already disrupted sleep-wake patterns" - and that's literally it. Naps are AWESOME, and Twinny I am sure that you have since had naps and loved them. Naps! Naps! Naps! I love naps. And I'm a good nap buddy, so I'm told. Right, Bernadette? Rachel? Tom? Anne? Hannah? Other various nap buddies who's naps weren't as notable as the people just mentioned? 

Any of you ever fancy a nap, just call me up! 

What do you reckon to naps? A useful brain function to boost happiness and productivity, or a total waste of time that we would do better without? Let me know in the comments! 

Today this is me walking home. Somehow this picture really captures my lazy eye. Joy. :

See you tomorrow!

Thursday 20 November 2014

Rappore (& Free Coffee)

Hello Splodgies! 

today I've been having a good day at work. I feel like I've really made some meaningful connections with some people and changed their day for the better. Even though I'm not going to say who or how, I just want to take a moment to say something that society generally deems to be a bit of a big headed thing to say, but I feel proud of myself. I did great. 

In other, less serious news- when working in Keswick, Becca and I will often have breakfast together somewhere before work because we get on the bus before breakfast time. We had recently given up on the place I previously wrote about (with Nice Mark and Teacake Tash) because whenever we went in there, the staff were really glum (Nice Mark and Teacake Tash were nowhere to be seen) and aside from the fact that we couldn't butter our own teacakes- which led to some severe cases of over buttering and cold tea cakes- and the fact that it once took them HALF AN HOUR to get my coffee we decided it was time for a change. And we went to the cafe inside Booths. For all you southerners reading, that's the Waitrose of the North. Bernadette recently wrote to me and told me she overheard an entertaining conversation between some people discussing the various merits and differences between Booths and Waitrose. But the great thing is, if you get a booths card, FREE COFFEE! Every day. So naturally I signed up for a Booths card this morning. It should arrive in 2 days time. And of course we are going to exploit this to its full potential- because its free! Plus it means my breakfast will be considerably cheaper, with the price of coffee being more than half the price of breakfast, I will only have a toasted teacake left to pay for! Isn't life grand, eh? 

Today, this is me and Becca dressing up silly because its fun. And our job: 

See you tomorrow!

Wednesday 19 November 2014


Oh hi, Mark! ...I mean, splodgies! 

Check out this cool Welsh patriotic gif I found: 

Oh Gwen Cooper, you are so Welsh! I LOVE IT! 

Anyway, back onto the topic of the day! 

Today I FINALLY managed to get my posters to stay on the wall! By means of pins! epic! I'm so pleased that my room finally looks like MY room and not just a place that has a bed in it and my stuff. 

In other news I FINALLY got around to making curry, but tried it and thought "this is a bit too mild" and then put in a heap of dried chili flakes. Bit of a mistake, as it took me nearly an hour and a half to finish eating it, it was that hot. And then I needed ice cream to soothe my tongue. But it was a great curry! 

I had a bit of a strange day- I woke very suddenly and I was feeling sick; so much so that I was considering phoning in and telling work that I wasn't coming in today, but I pushed on in the end and arrived on time (somehow- which was odd given that I'd spent an extra 38 minutes in bed trying to make the sick feeling go away and taking painkillers for nausea's double act partner, headache). When I got to work, things started fairly slowly, but then I went home early so that I could practise ukulele and make fortune tellers, both for the session we're running tomorrow.

Sorry I don't have very much to say today, I'm feeling a bit sleepy. Probably I'll have something more interesting to say tomorrow. Hope you're all well, my darlings :) 

Today, this is me: 

See you tomorrow!

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Housemate Breakthrough

Hello there Splogies! 

I've had a supafly day today! 

This evening, I was leaving it as long as was possible to make dinner because I was feeling both lazy and tired, so when I went downstairs to make some half-arsed scrambled egg on toast, I was surprised to find two of my housemates already there. Both of them were on the phone, and one of them was cooking, so I began getting ready to cook as quietly as possible so I wasn't disturbing their phone calls  or anything.

When Ms. Upstairs got off the phone she was super excited and was dancing around the kitchen telling me that she'd passed some exam or other that I didn't really understand, but I congratulated her anyway. She was so pleased she gave me a cupcake! Then she said I should sing her a congratulatory song, so I brought my ukulele downstairs. At this point, Mr Upstairs, who is a very good singer came down and joined in, whilst Mr.Myfloor was dancing around. Mr. Myfloor went upstairs to skype his family just before Mr. Downstairs came in and we all had a great big chat. 

None of the people in this picture live with me- I just searched google images for "jamming in the kitchen" and this was the closest picture I could find to what actually happened. Mental note, buy a mandolin. 

Sadly, Mr Upstairs announced that he was moving out next week as he had just bought a house with his partner. We'd be sad to see him go but we went on a mini-tour of each others rooms and discussed with amusement all the very minor problems we'd been having with the house; that all added up to the landlord not really doing enough to maintain the house. 

What was nicest was not that we'd actually had a conversation and a proper chat, but that I'd found that not only did I get along with these people I've been living with but I actually liked them too. All seems to be improving! 

Today, this is me wearing sunglasses in November:

November. Seriously. 

See you tomorrow!

Monday 17 November 2014

"Read that back to me..."

Hello splodgies! 

This evening I've been reading back over some of my earlier blogs. So now its time for AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION! My mother would often complain to me about the quality of my writing on these blogs; not that it was bad, just that it wasn't very good. And to me, that feedback is critical, but it's not hugely constructive. It doesn't tell me how to write better, or where I'm going wrong. She suggested to me that the solution might be to read more- but as I think I've previously discussed on here, I do struggle with reading long bits of text, particularly off a screen. In my mind, I'm writing as if I am speaking- perhaps some of you can verify that when I talk for an extended period of time, I speak in a somewhat similar style to the way I am writing. 

The three things people say to me about my blog are:

"You must be so dedicated!"

"I haven't read it lately- I read it when it pops up in my feed" and

"How do you manage to keep up with it?" 

...the answers to which are neither interesting nor relevant to this post. What is relevant are the questions that I ask other people myself about this blog- usually "Do you read it?" or "Have you read x, y, z post?" 

When I first started blogging I had a great big long list of six week's worth of blog topics, but now I just blog off the cuff- on whatever is on my mind when I sit down to write. Occasionally I'll have a plan for a post, like my post relating to misrepresentation of feminists/feminism and my coming out post. 

So I guess my real question for you all is: Do you prefer when I have a proper structured blog? Or do you like just to hear what my thoughts are on whatever it is I'm blogging about that day? Should I change the way I'm writing? If so, how? Is there anything you'd really like me to write about on here? Are you a long term reader? An occasional browser? A dedicated, waiting for the post to be published fanatical Daily Splodge enthusiast? Let me know in the comments folks. I don't get comments that often, but the ones I do get I always read, and I usually reply to them. 

...and if you don't know me in real life, how did you come across this blog? 

Today, this is me sitting in that chair at the other end of the table that nobody ever sits in because it doesn't face the TV:

See you tomorrow!

Sunday 16 November 2014

Train Again But Not In The Rain

Hello Splodgies!

Firstly I'm sorry if it looks as though I didn't post on Friday or Saturday. I did post but I just didn't share them on social media. If you want to give them a read, here are some links:

Today I got back on the train, having had a fabbola time in Liverpool. 

It turned out to be a little more hectic than I had bargained for- When I got my first change at Wigan, the train I was supposed to be getting on... simply never came(?) There was no "expected time" listed on the departure board. It just said "delayed" Nobody seemed to know what was causing it, but everyone travelling seemed to be taking it remarkably well- y'know how usually there's someone who's very cross or stressed and they start yelling at the poor station staff who can't do anything to help except be the face of the people who are preventing them (however indirectly) from reaching their destinations. But everyone was very polite to the station staff. Strangely, I was recognised by someone on the platform- it was no case of mistaken identity, they were right about where they knew me from. But I had no idea who they were and the explanation didn't much satisfy me- this person recognised me from a shop I used to work in, and whilst it was pleasant to have some common ground, the conversation didn't go any further and we were just stood in an awkward silence for 18 minutes. 

But when another train eventually turned up, it was one of those transpennine express ones with only 3 carriages... to fit 11 carriages peoples worth of passengers plus the people who would've been getting on the transpennine express anyway. 

I was very surprised to find myself able to sit down. Sadly it was on one of those not especially comfortable ones that folds into the wall and was also right next to the toilet, but I was glad to be sitting down on a train where reservations had been cancelled and seats were in high demand. I did get to chat to an interesting woman though who was telling me all about Oxenholme where she was from and about her life and her family. It's strange how you can easily find such common ground with strangers. But I quite like it.

That said, I also know when NOT to speak to strangers on the train- on my third (and thankfully, final) train of the day, which I only just managed to get in time, thanks to my late connection; was full of drunk rowdy people who had come down from Newcastle after seeing a football match and were on their way home. I'm fine with people being sociable on public transport- and I don't even mind a bit of noise- but this was becoming excessive and they were beginning to verbally abuse people nearby. And sing very loudly, very drunkenly and tunelessly. It wouldn't have been so bad if they could sing in tune and together. 
In addition to this, I knew I was going to have to stand on either the seat or the table to retrieve my gloves that had escaped from one of my bags in the overhead luggage rack. These were prized gloves I was given last Christmas; dark purple leather, and I wasn't going to let the idea of being seen standing on the table on a moving train surrounded by drunken idiots put me anywhere near a situation where I might have to sacrifice my beautiful gloves for the sake of saving myself a few minutes potential embarrassment. And luckily none of them noticed anyway during my little climb. I was slightly annoyed however when most of them got off at the same station as me, and as walking alone in the dark ahead of this bunch of 5 or 6 drunk, loud men seemed like not a sensible thing to do, I hung back until they were ahead of me and carried on behind them at a distance.

I rather resented the fact that this sort of thing can make me feel like other people are dictating how safe I am- but I guess this is a problem with society. Not with me. I'll leave the proper discussion of this for a future blog post, but if anyone else has something to contribute on the subject of women feeling safe walking home in the dark on their own, please leave your thoughts in the comments section. 

Sorry again that I didn't share the previous couple of days' posts on Facebook... I just didn't have much written on those posts! But I had a lovely weekend in Liverpool with my friends :) 

Today, this is me, ready to get some sleep: 

See you tomorrow!

Saturday 15 November 2014

Liverpudlian Exploration

Hello Splodgies!! 

Sorry I've been less detailed in my bloggings lately- but I'm still up for this blog lark!! 

Here's some pictures to prove I'm telling the truth 

This is a lovely busker violinist who I had a chat with right before my camera phone died. She's excellent!!

Today, this is me wearing multiple hats:

See you tomorrow!

Friday 14 November 2014

Train in the Rain

Hello Splodgies 

Today it was super rainy and I got there it was sunny. Short post today! Sorry about  that. Proper post tomorrow, I promise  

Oooh! And my shoes arrived today! 

Needless to say I was super excited!!

Today this is me:

See you tomorrow!