Tuesday 11 November 2014

Shoe Saga Pt. 3 (excuse me whilst I explode)

Hello everyone, my fine splodgies! 

Today, I feel, was an exceptionally good day. I felt positive and productive at work, which I often do, but today I felt especially positive and productive. We had a few meetings, and then I came back to Workington to source a few things for our Thursday workshop. 

For those who don't know, I've been on a bit of a shoe quest. For the earlier installments of this saga, you can find part one here: 

and part 2 here:

...By the end of part 2 of the shoe saga, I was beginning to think that all hope was lost. That I would have to give up on my beautiful shoes. It would've been easy to get hold of a black and white pair. But I wanted Those exact shoes. Black and white ones just wouldn't be the same. After the ebay bloke told me he couldn't get them in a 4 or 5, and I hadn't heard back from the Doc Martens website, I resigned myself to the fact that I would never own the beautiful shoes. 

However, as I was walking home, my mind newly cleared of the shoes, I was surprised and then utterly delighted to receive this email: 

So obviously I rang them strait away. I became a wobbly pile of ridiculous when I found the line was engaged. I tried again, immediately. Still engaged. So I put my phone's timer on for 10 minutes to call them back. But about 15 seconds before the timer was about to go off, I got another call- during which my alarm went off and I couldn't turn it off. How embarrassing. When I got off the phone, I immediately called the Portmouth store. And.... THEY HAD THE SHOES!! In both a 4 AND a 5!! So I decided, seeing as I had the option to get the 5 rather than the 4; operating on the logic that if the 5 was too big, I could make it smaller, but if the 4 was too small I couldn't make it bigger. I bought an insole too. 

...And to top it all off, the whole lot, including the insole and postage & packaging came to less than the website's sale price. They said they'll send them tomorrow and hopefully I'll get them on Friday, "Monday by the latest". I'm really hoping they'll arrive Friday morning before I have to leave to get my train to Liverpool (Oh yeah- by the way, I'm going to Liverpool for the weekend). But if not, I can pick them up on my return. I then proceeded to bother several friends and members of my family by going on and on and on about the shoes. All is well in the world of Rosa's feet! 

When they arrive I'll post a picture of them on my feet! 

...in other news, its my brother Linden's 19th birthday today. He told me they were going out for a curry. I happen to know that the restaurant they went to makes the best saag paneer I've ever had; and after my major disappointment with my curry the other day, I asked them to send a picture of a PROPER saag paneer. They sent me a picture of a thali instead: 

...I asked my mother (who sent me this picture) if they told them the horror story of my paneer-less saag paneer, to which she replied "No, I thought it would upset them too much". Good call, mother. Good call. 

Today, this is me- just minutes before I got my precious email:

See you tomorrow!


  1. Yay!!! Fingers crossed you'll be able to wear them down to Liverpool girlie!! ;)

    1. Its in the works, Fran ;) almost certainly. I think I trust interlink express to deliver on time ;)
