Sunday 30 November 2014

The Big Scary Not-So-Far-Away Future

Good evening! this afternoon, Mr. Upstairs came back for his fish. Unfortunately Ms.Upstairs who had decided to take care of the fish because we thought they'd been abandoned was not in, and the fish were in her room.  I gave him is capo back and explained about the fish, hoping that Ms. Upstairs had left her door open. She had, and he got his fish back and left his house keys with me. I guess I'll give them to the landlord. The next time he shows up or whatever. Surprisingly it was neither excruciatingly embarassing to give him the capo back.

Anyway, this evening and the past couple of evenings actually, I have been considering what to do at the end of my internship, should the theatre I work with decide not to keep me on (which is looking ever more likely as there don't seem to be any projects happening between march and September- or at least nothing that has been mentioned to me). I've been exploring several possibilities:

1) Go to America. Which I will do asap anyway to visit friends and all that jazz- because I miss them so much! I also want to take a look at the sort of work I have been doing and how they do it over there- I'm already chatting with someone about going to see that sort of thing at the moment. Perhaps something will come of that, who knows? 

2) Go back to Lancaster. Inevitably, this will happen for at least a little while whilst I get my metaphorical shit together. And my literal shit. But I'm hoping that that won't last too long, for my family's sake as much as my own. Lancaster is a great place to be, but most of my friends aren't around there anymore and the ones who are are very busy with their own lives and stuff.

3) Go Freelance - Big and scary/exciting. Requires further research before seriously considered as a viable option. Also would require learning to drive- something I'm planning on doing anyway, but when is more the question.

4) Further study - I am really liking the idea of doing an MA right now, to the point where I've got ahead of myself and started looking for places to live in the various places that I want to do MAs in. Was rather getting ahead of myself, but no matter. Pros being that it'd be super awesome and fun and I'd meet and work with lots of new people and it could super advance my career. Cons being mostly financial and the reminder that I already have a whole lot of student debt. Which is why I may wait another year or two before starting. 

Perhaps it is irrational of me to feel this looming sense of fear- and perhaps not. I have always had a plan before, and now I find myself without one its somewhat ...concerning. I try to live in the moment and make the most of everything, but that doesn't mean I don't want to plan to do great things like MAs or other Adventures In Life. 

I'm pretty sure lots of my friends are facing similar dilemmas- so please! Let me know in the comments section what to do!! Those of you who I know already have masters degrees- was it worth it? Did you get what you wanted out of it? Or get closer to what you wanted than with your bachelors degree? 

Today, this is me: 

See you tomorrow

1 comment:

  1. Maybe it's just that their funding runs from April to April, so they don't know what money they have yet.
