Thursday 13 November 2014

A Choc-Heavy Day

Hello Splodgies! 

This was what the sunrise looked like outside my window when I got up this morning:

Pretty right?! That was about as pretty as it was all day. 

Unfortunately, I missed the bus home by mere minutes today, and normally I would just wait outside for the next one, but today it was extremely windy and extremely wet. Whilst searching for the word to describe the weather to my mother who I was talking to on the phone, a stranger chipped in that it was "fierce". They were correct. And seeing as there was half an hour to wait before the next bus, I decided it was well worth braving the inside of Booths for a hot chocolate and to take full advantage of their cafe's free wifi. The woman who made the hot chocolate asked if I would like chocolate on the top. I said "Why not?" and she said "say when!" ....I didn't say when, I just kept saying "Keep it coming!" until she laughed and stopped. It looked like this: 

It wasn't the best hot chocolate ever, but it was a comforting warm break from the stormy weather outside. 

Tomorrow I'm off to Liverpool so I made BROWNIES. But brownies with a twist! Usually I'd put chopped white chocolate in but today I decided that I'd do something different- I decided to put in some chopped up crystallised ginger in. I'm hoping it tastes good, because to me, chocolate and ginger is a good mix. 

I'll cut them up in the morning once they've set properly! 

Though the title of this blog is "A Choc-Heavy Day" I've not actually eaten any chocolate today. I've only had that hot chocolate...! I'm saving my chocolate quota for when its properly brownie time :) 

In other exciting news, my shoes were delivered today. Except they weren't because I wasn't in to sign for them. Anybody who knows me well will know that I have a petty (and longstanding) vendetta against the delivery network calling itself "Yodel" so I was glad that the depot card left behind was by InterlinkExpress instead. I arranged for their earliest delivery slot (8.30-10am) so I can DEFINITELY wear my new shoes on my trip :) 

Today, this is me enjoying my hot chocolate whilst sheltering from the storm: 

See you tomorrow!

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