Wednesday 19 November 2014


Oh hi, Mark! ...I mean, splodgies! 

Check out this cool Welsh patriotic gif I found: 

Oh Gwen Cooper, you are so Welsh! I LOVE IT! 

Anyway, back onto the topic of the day! 

Today I FINALLY managed to get my posters to stay on the wall! By means of pins! epic! I'm so pleased that my room finally looks like MY room and not just a place that has a bed in it and my stuff. 

In other news I FINALLY got around to making curry, but tried it and thought "this is a bit too mild" and then put in a heap of dried chili flakes. Bit of a mistake, as it took me nearly an hour and a half to finish eating it, it was that hot. And then I needed ice cream to soothe my tongue. But it was a great curry! 

I had a bit of a strange day- I woke very suddenly and I was feeling sick; so much so that I was considering phoning in and telling work that I wasn't coming in today, but I pushed on in the end and arrived on time (somehow- which was odd given that I'd spent an extra 38 minutes in bed trying to make the sick feeling go away and taking painkillers for nausea's double act partner, headache). When I got to work, things started fairly slowly, but then I went home early so that I could practise ukulele and make fortune tellers, both for the session we're running tomorrow.

Sorry I don't have very much to say today, I'm feeling a bit sleepy. Probably I'll have something more interesting to say tomorrow. Hope you're all well, my darlings :) 

Today, this is me: 

See you tomorrow!


  1. Yeah I had experience of people often waking up sick in the morning... I don't think is too uncommon actually... try google it... i bet you find an answer :P

    1. hahahhaaa Google will only tell me that I'm pregnant :P ....which I'm not.
