Friday 7 November 2014


Hello there splodgies! 

....I'm very lucky because in the course of my job I get to work with all sorts of people. From the people I work with on a daily basis (except weekends and stuff!) to the people that we as a company work with in the community. Sometimes I work with very old people; the other day I met someone who was 103 years old! And sometimes I work with people who are nearly a fifth of my age. 

And you know what's really great? Usually we get to be really silly with the people we work with. It's always silly with a purpose. But its a purpose we can facilitate through silliness, particularly if we are working with very young or very old people. Silliness is something that all but the most serious of people can enjoy. It's so freeing! Anyone can be a bit silly! 

Someone at one of our workshops recently said "we all get a bit daft" which led us to today creating the word dafternoons. As in being daft, in the afternoon. 

....If I were you, I'd take the time to have a dafternoon every now and again. Because if you can't be silly and have fun then... what's the point?! Fun is the second most important thing after well being/health. So I implore you, unleash your inner child and get silly. You could go puddle jumping or throw leaves at each other. Just do something SILLY. SILLY IS GOOD. 


Let me know what silly shenanigans you get up to in the comments section! 

Today, this is me being a bit daft and having a mid-lunch nap on my diary: 

Because eating a sandwich is so exhausting that I needed to take a break in the middle.

Also my diary made a surprisingly good pillow. ....that is all. 

See you tomorrow!

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