Friday 21 November 2014

Naps Are Epic!

Hello Splodgies!! 

Once upon a time, my Twinnyola said to me "Naps are for babies and old people" and I think that since she told me this, I have not come across a time when I have taken a nap and I have not enjoyed it or found it beneficial in some way. 

...The thing is, I really love sleeping. And I know I've written on this blog before waaaay back about how much I love sleeping and feeling relaxed, but the thing about normal sleep is that you do it at night, when most people are also sleeping. Because its dark and stuff. And that is when sleep would be at it's most natural. Because of all the various hormones and biorhythms associated with sleep, night time really is the best time to do it. 

...but what about those times when you're feeling really tired and it's not night time? 

Usually for me, I can't have a nap during the day time if I'm tired because I'm at work, but today we were scheduled to finish work earlier than normal. I came home, had a quick chat with my housemate, and went upstairs, and succumbed to my drowsiness. I think the thing I love most about naps is not having to try to stay awake and complete a task. Just going with what your brain is telling you. I was surprised that I'd needed a nap however because I had plenty of sleep the previous night and had a fairly relaxed day at work. The only consequence of my nap is that I'm now quite awake at a time that I would normally be starting to feel sleepy. 

Professor Google and Professor Wikipedia have a lot to say about naps. You should look them up if you are interested- but on the main wiki page for naps, there is less than a full line for the negative benefits of naps "Naps are not recommended for those suffering from insomnia or depression as they may aggravate the already disrupted sleep-wake patterns" - and that's literally it. Naps are AWESOME, and Twinny I am sure that you have since had naps and loved them. Naps! Naps! Naps! I love naps. And I'm a good nap buddy, so I'm told. Right, Bernadette? Rachel? Tom? Anne? Hannah? Other various nap buddies who's naps weren't as notable as the people just mentioned? 

Any of you ever fancy a nap, just call me up! 

What do you reckon to naps? A useful brain function to boost happiness and productivity, or a total waste of time that we would do better without? Let me know in the comments! 

Today this is me walking home. Somehow this picture really captures my lazy eye. Joy. :

See you tomorrow!

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