Thursday 20 November 2014

Rappore (& Free Coffee)

Hello Splodgies! 

today I've been having a good day at work. I feel like I've really made some meaningful connections with some people and changed their day for the better. Even though I'm not going to say who or how, I just want to take a moment to say something that society generally deems to be a bit of a big headed thing to say, but I feel proud of myself. I did great. 

In other, less serious news- when working in Keswick, Becca and I will often have breakfast together somewhere before work because we get on the bus before breakfast time. We had recently given up on the place I previously wrote about (with Nice Mark and Teacake Tash) because whenever we went in there, the staff were really glum (Nice Mark and Teacake Tash were nowhere to be seen) and aside from the fact that we couldn't butter our own teacakes- which led to some severe cases of over buttering and cold tea cakes- and the fact that it once took them HALF AN HOUR to get my coffee we decided it was time for a change. And we went to the cafe inside Booths. For all you southerners reading, that's the Waitrose of the North. Bernadette recently wrote to me and told me she overheard an entertaining conversation between some people discussing the various merits and differences between Booths and Waitrose. But the great thing is, if you get a booths card, FREE COFFEE! Every day. So naturally I signed up for a Booths card this morning. It should arrive in 2 days time. And of course we are going to exploit this to its full potential- because its free! Plus it means my breakfast will be considerably cheaper, with the price of coffee being more than half the price of breakfast, I will only have a toasted teacake left to pay for! Isn't life grand, eh? 

Today, this is me and Becca dressing up silly because its fun. And our job: 

See you tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. What you want is some delicious apricot and cinnamon sourdough
    But I doubt you'll get that even in Booths
    (Still sticking it to the man ;) )
