Saturday 8 November 2014

Continuation of the Shoe Saga...

Hello Splodgies!

You will remember that shortly before my hiatus, I posted a blog about some shoes that I desperately wanted. And I'd said I'd keep you posted, so here goes!

....I went to try on a pair of size 4s of literally any kind of doc marten 5-eyelet lace ups. But....I couldn't find any. So I decided that when I got enough wifi to do so, I would go and buy the size 4 pair of shoes on ebay anyway. But when I got there, alas! They were already sold! This would've caused me untold misery, but the bloke selling them had said that he would be able to get another pair, so I thought, that's ok, I'll just ask him for another one.

After sending a few messages back and forth to the seller, and him assuring he would be able to get back to me shortly, he has still not told me whether or not he will be able to get another pair. I am thinking I will have to give up on this person as a source for my gorgeous, not yet mine, shoes. So I have resorted to contacting the actual Doc Marten manufacturers themselves with the following message:

Currently in the sale on this website are the made in England 3989 Wingtip shoe in red, navy and off white. I absolutely categorically HAVE to own a pair of these shoes, but only sizes 8 and 9 are in stock. I usually wear a 4 for Doc Marten shoes. I've scoured the Internet high and low for a pair, but though they seem to exist in a size 4, they don't seem to be in stock anywhere. I've even blogged about this situation 

Please PLEASE tell me that these will be in stock again soon in a size 4?! Or that you will be able to magically pull some out of a hat from somewhere? 

Eagerly anticipating your response,

Rosa C-D 

.....Needless to say, I am sitting here, gripping my phone AND my laptop in the hope that I will be told what I want to hear as soon as possible. 

Ever been waiting in such pseudo-angry anticipation?! What did you do?? Let me know in the comments, because I seriously need advice. 

Today, this is me, feeling very impressed at how smooth my hair is in this photo:

See you tomorrow!

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