Wednesday 12 November 2014

Dream Tape

Hello Splodgies! 

I remember that I had come up with something really interesting to talk about on my blog for this evening's post, but I have since forgotten what it was. Instead, I shall write about something else that I have been meaning to write about for quite some time on here. And I know some people really hate hearing about this, so bear with me whilst I justify this.


...not like the hopes and aspirations a person has, I literally mean the crazy nonsensical brain narratives that you experience in your sleep. 

When I was originally planning this post, I was going to reel off a list of dreams I'd had and see what you all made of them, but then I remember that people often dislike hearing about other people's dreams, unless they are a part of the dream. Which is perfectly understandable, because the dream makes absolutely no sense most of the time, and if it makes any sense at all, its only making sense to the person who actually had the dream in the first place. 

Nonetheless, I still like telling people my dreams- and this is because I have a method by which I can keep ahold of what happened in my dreams a lot longer than most people I know can. I keep a tape recorder next to my bed. 

The advantages of doing this over recording a voice note on my phone are that:
1) My phone is often charging over night on my iPod dock, which is on other side of the room. This is so that when my alarm goes off, I am forced to get out of bed to switch it off, and
2) I don't have a great big screen light blasting in my face when I'm half asleep and looking for the right app to record on- I can just press the button in the dark and go. All that comes on is a tiny red light that lets me know its working, but doesn't dazzle me. 

I recently wound the tape back and listened to all the dreams that I'd recorded on there because I'd forgotten to get it out of my box of books since having moved up here (Sadly, the books remain in the box because I have no bookcase to put them on. This makes me very melancholy, for though I am not a massive reader, what is a bedroom without a bookcase?) and I had not recorded anything for a couple of weeks before moving. 

Some dreams I deem not worth recording (or even not worth the potential embarrassment of somebody finding and listening to the tape) such as the recurring dreams I sometimes get about my teeth, but then again I read somewhere that dreaming about your teeth is not unusual. However, playing back a dream from around April, I found that I'd had a dream about my 23rd birthday where someone had cut off one of my hands and part of my wrist- I finished the recording saying that I was going to be very very careful on my 23rd birthday. As it happened, I was relatively carefree on that day, and had completely forgotten about the hand cutting dream, but in the recording it sounded like I was taking it very seriously.

Something else entertaining about recording your dreams is that you get to hear what you sound like to other people when you're not fully in control of your voice- in some of my recordings I sound really drunk. 

But I think it would be a shame to deprive your waking brain of your sleeping brains zany creativity, so if you're interested in recording your own dreams, leave a tape recorder next to your bed, and the next time you wake up from a dream, talk to the machine about it. I'll pretty much guarantee that you'll forget them otherwise. 

If you've had a dream that'd make sense in the comments, or if you've had a dream about me even (!) Let me know in the comments! 

Today, this is me, slightly damp and windswept after my walk home:


  1. Yeah dreams are so of the most amazing dreams I ever had was many years ago... I dreamt the moon was slowly approaching the earth... like i would look up and I could see this MASSIVE ball floating over us... but I wasn't scared... I was more highly fascinated... then we were all trying to get on the higher spots possible.. like top of buildings and mountains as we knew as the moon touched ever so gently the earth a massive tsunami would hit... :D

    1. well I'm glad that tsunami thing never actually happened :P We'd all be quite wet otherwise! Although I am currently soaked through from walking in the rain and stuff...!
