Wednesday 26 November 2014

Silver linings and musical pleasantness

Good evening splodgies!

Before I get properly started, can we just take a moment to appreciate how (prematurely) festive Cockermouth town centre is looking? Take a look:

Anyway! On to the first bit of today's post! Last night as I was putting my laptop away and getting ready to go to bed, I must have misplaced something in the space under my desk (its sort of drawer shaped, but doesn't actually have a drawer in it) where I keep my ukulele chord books and music and manuscript paper- and my laptop. Because when I went to put my laptop away, yes I was sleepy, but I did slide it in, and as I was about to step away from the desk, I wasn't expecting this to happen: 

Some of you who have me on snapchat will have already seen this. But I wasn't best pleased. Although I think most people were probably asleep at the time, so I felt the need to stifle my urge to cry out in shock. 21 hours later, its looking like this. Much more dramatic, but much less painful. 

The proverbial silver lining to this story is that my laptop (which I've just checked weighs 2.06kg/4.5lb) is completely undamaged by its little tumble. Which is odd. I've dropped it twice on the floor recently, but it seems to have had somewhere between a fall and a slide to the floor both times. Perhaps its a supercomputer? Like a regular computer but fighting crime at night in a disguise and stuff.  So I guess... good thing my laptop survived the fall unscathed, bad thing that my foot didn't. Silver lining? Maybe. But I feel like my little world is in balance.  

And on to part two of the post!! 

The reason I was in Cockermouth this evening was to go to the Open Mic and see Jenn as it had been her birthday at the weekend. I had jolly good time and I played my ukulele. I knew the first song I was going to sing (Dream A Little Dream Of Me) but hadn't really decided on what my second one would be. And in the end, it wasn't either of the two I'd been thinking of doing! I did a different one off the cuff. It was my first time singing/playing there, so I was pleasantly surprised when some people in the audience joined in! The only downside was that I had to get the bus home rather earlier than I would've liked, bu I think I'll definitely go again! ...although, only if it's before Christmas Eve. 

I've not asked you a question in a very long time, readers... it feels odd. But if you fancy putting anything in the comments section it'll be most welcome :) I do appreciate you all!

Today, this is me waiting for my bus back:

See you tomorrow!

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