Thursday 27 November 2014

A small and startling explosion

Good evening my fine splodgie readers! 

This evening, I came home utterly exhausted after work- it was about 6pm when I got in, so it was already dark outside. I usually light my room with two desk lamps on each side of the room because the light in the ceiling is so ineffective. 

The lamp on my desk has long been a bit temporamental with its wiring, so I was startled, but not all together surprised when I flipped the switch this evening and there was a bang, a flash, and a my whole hand buzzed for a moment. The lamp had stopped working. I checked the bulb, it definitely wasn't the filament! (despite the picture above- I just thought it was a cool picture) Usually there's just a soft ping if the bulb itself blows. I'm not sure if I was actually electrocuted or just startled. Who can say? 

Anyway I texted my landlord to ask him if he could take a look and fix/replace the lamp. Usually it takes him a few days to a week to get anything done that we ask, but today he texted back the same evening and said he'd be in the house tomorrow, so he'd be able to fix it then. Perhaps I'll get a decent working lamp out of it! Let's hope so.

Sorry this post is so short and boring I'm just super tired... I might go to sleep now- and its not even 11pm yet! This is most unusual for me. Ah well! 

Today this is me: 

See you tomorrow!

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