Thursday 6 November 2014

The Dilemma

Hello there Splodgies!!

...hasn't it been a while!? My most sincere of apologies to you. It's been a thoroughly strange few days not blogging. But if we are facebook friends (which, lets face it, its highly likely) then you might have seen that I have been phone-less for a few days, having accidentally, but nevertheless idiotically left my phone at someone's house the morning after Halloween. But I've got my phone back now, so the Daily Splodge is back in business! Many thanks for your patience and (hopefully) your continued readership! 

The secret rehearsals culminated in an AWESOME Halloween performance called The Buried Heart. We got to scare lots of people in the dark, and then we had a supafly party afterwards. This project appeared to have some sort of blue-sky budget, because it wasn't like "oh can we afford that?" it was more a case of "can we get that on our boat to get it across?". We found out that the person financing the jolly escapade was insanely rich and was doing it for the pure fun of it. Bravo, Noel, as I'm told you're called- more rich people should spend their money this way. I had a great time and there was even a possibility that there would be another one next year! So all good! Even though I had soot on my face for a LONG time, I still got a scarf out of it :) 

So anyway, onto today's topic. 


...basically, I had a dilemma this evening. I was really really tired. But I was also really really hungry, having not eaten since about 1pm and it was quickly coming on for 9pm. I was thinking to myself that I had two options: 

1. Just go to sleep. You'll bypass this stage of hunger and your body will cycle round in the morning, and you can just have a bigger breakfast than normal.

Pros: I don't have to go back downstairs and bother cooking something in an environment where I might be ambushed by housemates and silence.

Cons: I might wake up at an inconvenient time like 4am because I am so hungry, thus disrupting my sleeping pattern so much that I am rubbish at work tomorrow. 

2. Go downstairs and cook something

pros: You have the choice of fake cooking, (by putting pizza in the oven and forget about the consequences of eating junk food) or you could do proper cooking (where you feel better because you know exactly what's going in your body, in terms of weird preservatives or flavourings that might be bad for you, and you can legitimately claim to have made yourself nourishing food) 

cons: having to change out of the comfy clothes because they have no pockets, because now that you finally have your phone back, you can use it to time things that are cooking. Also knowing that you'll have to do something relatively simple because its late and you're so tired. Knowing that your cooking will be sub-par due to your exhausted state. the end, I did decide to cook something, but it WAS just something simple. And now my brain seems to be functioning better too, as I had attempted to start this blog several times already this evening and only now does it seem to be happening. 

I'm certain that as a twenty-something, most of who's friends are also in their twenties, I can't be the only person that faces this dilemma. Back me up, friends of all ages! What do you do when facing it? Let me know in the comments :) 

Today, this is me sitting outside Booths waiting for the bus:

But this was before I'd realised that I'd bought my fruit, but forgotten to buy the foil that I ran out of this morning- and there wasn't long before the bus, so I rushed back inside, found the foil, tried to get my change ready so when I got to the self-service checkout I'd be able to breeze through. Sadly because I'd been carrying a lot of things in addition to my already purchased bag of shopping, I dropped some of my change inside my shopping bags. This wouldn't have been so much of an issue if it hadn't been the only change I had. So I had to ferret around inside the bag looking for my dropped pound coin panicking that I was going to miss the bus and I'd have to wait in the wind and the rain for another half an hour. Fortunately I got the money out and when I got to the checkout I tried not to make any eye contact with the girl who I'd had one of my Rosa-doesn't-cope-well-with-till-interactions embarrassing moments with, in the hope that she wouldn't recognise my distinctive red earphones and bright scarf and think I was some sort of lunatic who kept coming back for just one more item.

....that was long winded. Never mind.

See you tomorrow!

p.s. To all you who think I have spelled dilemma wrong:

I was visitor 90,580


  1. Surely nobody can spell dilemma that badly? How are they saying it? My mind is boggled.
    But to respond to your dilemma I offer-

  2. Lol last night I was feeling hungry in bed, its happened lots of times, can't be laying there with a rumbly tummy, so I get up and make a hot choc or tea and some toast:)

    1. These are all excellent solutions to The Dilemma. I'm a great fan of ye olde hot chocolate
