Saturday 29 November 2014

The Pilferer

Evening Splodgekins!!

...remember perhaps a week ago I told you that Mr. Upstairs was moving out? Well today, me and Ms Upstairs had concluded that he had gone and was not coming back, because his room was empty and had been cleaned, and the previous evening some of his friends were going up and down the stairs with his stuff. However, he had left his fish behind. And a number of miscellaneous objects on the landing including a clothes airer and a guitar in a box- a cardboard box, not a proper case or anything. On the guitar was a flat capo and a plectrum. As we decided probably wasn't coming back, she decided she would take care of the fish, and I decided it'd be OK for me to take the capo.

...I'm really hoping that he has left them behind, because if he comes back, I'm the only person in the frame for the pilfering of the capo because I'm the only other person in the house who plays an instrument that uses a capo. But its not like I stole the whole guitar!! My current capo that I legitimately own is one a bit like this:

But the one I stole pilfered  liberated was more like this: 

Which is better for a number of reasons including me being less likely to lose it, and its quicker and easier to use. Granted, it is slightly too wide for a baritone ukulele but not impractically so. 

But I am slightly worried... what should I do if he does come back? Admit it and say sorry and give the capo back to him? Deny all knowledge of it? Pretend I'm not at home? Let me know in the comments section, readers! 

Today, this is me:

See you tomorrow! 

1 comment:

  1. Keep it, but if he does happen to come back and asks about it, give it back and say you had it for safekeeping, you'll feel better for being honest, honestly! xx
