Tuesday 18 November 2014

Housemate Breakthrough

Hello there Splogies! 

I've had a supafly day today! 

This evening, I was leaving it as long as was possible to make dinner because I was feeling both lazy and tired, so when I went downstairs to make some half-arsed scrambled egg on toast, I was surprised to find two of my housemates already there. Both of them were on the phone, and one of them was cooking, so I began getting ready to cook as quietly as possible so I wasn't disturbing their phone calls  or anything.

When Ms. Upstairs got off the phone she was super excited and was dancing around the kitchen telling me that she'd passed some exam or other that I didn't really understand, but I congratulated her anyway. She was so pleased she gave me a cupcake! Then she said I should sing her a congratulatory song, so I brought my ukulele downstairs. At this point, Mr Upstairs, who is a very good singer came down and joined in, whilst Mr.Myfloor was dancing around. Mr. Myfloor went upstairs to skype his family just before Mr. Downstairs came in and we all had a great big chat. 

None of the people in this picture live with me- I just searched google images for "jamming in the kitchen" and this was the closest picture I could find to what actually happened. Mental note, buy a mandolin. 

Sadly, Mr Upstairs announced that he was moving out next week as he had just bought a house with his partner. We'd be sad to see him go but we went on a mini-tour of each others rooms and discussed with amusement all the very minor problems we'd been having with the house; that all added up to the landlord not really doing enough to maintain the house. 

What was nicest was not that we'd actually had a conversation and a proper chat, but that I'd found that not only did I get along with these people I've been living with but I actually liked them too. All seems to be improving! 

Today, this is me wearing sunglasses in November:

November. Seriously. 

See you tomorrow!

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