Monday 17 November 2014

"Read that back to me..."

Hello splodgies! 

This evening I've been reading back over some of my earlier blogs. So now its time for AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION! My mother would often complain to me about the quality of my writing on these blogs; not that it was bad, just that it wasn't very good. And to me, that feedback is critical, but it's not hugely constructive. It doesn't tell me how to write better, or where I'm going wrong. She suggested to me that the solution might be to read more- but as I think I've previously discussed on here, I do struggle with reading long bits of text, particularly off a screen. In my mind, I'm writing as if I am speaking- perhaps some of you can verify that when I talk for an extended period of time, I speak in a somewhat similar style to the way I am writing. 

The three things people say to me about my blog are:

"You must be so dedicated!"

"I haven't read it lately- I read it when it pops up in my feed" and

"How do you manage to keep up with it?" 

...the answers to which are neither interesting nor relevant to this post. What is relevant are the questions that I ask other people myself about this blog- usually "Do you read it?" or "Have you read x, y, z post?" 

When I first started blogging I had a great big long list of six week's worth of blog topics, but now I just blog off the cuff- on whatever is on my mind when I sit down to write. Occasionally I'll have a plan for a post, like my post relating to misrepresentation of feminists/feminism and my coming out post. 

So I guess my real question for you all is: Do you prefer when I have a proper structured blog? Or do you like just to hear what my thoughts are on whatever it is I'm blogging about that day? Should I change the way I'm writing? If so, how? Is there anything you'd really like me to write about on here? Are you a long term reader? An occasional browser? A dedicated, waiting for the post to be published fanatical Daily Splodge enthusiast? Let me know in the comments folks. I don't get comments that often, but the ones I do get I always read, and I usually reply to them. 

...and if you don't know me in real life, how did you come across this blog? 

Today, this is me sitting in that chair at the other end of the table that nobody ever sits in because it doesn't face the TV:

See you tomorrow!


  1. As you know Rosa I've only just started reading your blogs, I.hardly read at all well books that is, I like these off the cuff bloggs on what your thoughts are etc as I can relate tto a lot things you write about. And I sit at a chair like yours quite a lot lol x

  2. I agree with Lynn... I like the feel of your blogs as they are just expressing a moment in time for you... so yes I think the impulse of the moment is something very valuable and where creativity truly resides...I don't see anything wrong with your writing to be honest, your thoughts on the contrary are very well articulated in my opinion... keep it up! :D

    1. Cheerz m'dears :) I'm gonna have the occasional planned post but I'll mostly stick to my current style, I think

  3. I read your blog most days
    It's nice to see what you're up to and the photos are nice too
