Sunday 23 November 2014

A Sunshiney Autumnal Wander

Hello there my fine splodge readers! 

Hope all is well in your respective worlds and that your mind pilots are driving your fleshy machines nicely. I'm sorry this is a little later than usual, I had to wait for this video in this post to upload and it seems to do it at a snail's pace. That is to say if each frame of video was separated into pixels and a single solitary snail was carrying each pixel one at a time for a mile to reconstruct them again at the end. Now that's a metaphor for slow. And if I close my youtube app or allow my phone to lock itself, it stops uploading... so I literally have to watch it all uploading.I don't normally mind things being a little slow, but I'm a bit sleepy! What if I wanted to go to bed?! Also, I run a spell check on this blog now- and I find the irony of's spellchecker not recognising the word blog utterly hilarious. Aaaanyway...! On with the post! 

Today was a beautiful sunny day, and I had no plans, so I just went for a wander! Here's what I found:

Trees! I am not sure if I have ever mentioned how much I love trees. I know I've had that post about how I think people are like trees- but I also love trees for being... well, trees! They look really nice against the sky, don't you think? And they're usually a good a good indicator for what the environment around them is like; e.g. if there is good clean, oxygen rich air, you are more likely to find lichens growing on the bark of the trees and so on. And they're a good indicator of the seasons too! If I woke up in a strange time and I didn't know where I was or even what time of year it was, and I didn't want to attract attention/ arouse suspicion by asking someone, I'd go and look at nature. 

I found this too! An old rail thingy of some kind. It looks like it might have been for a model train or something- but it looked... well, super rusty. Like it hadn't been used in forever!! And it made me think- hang on this goes in a big loop!

Obviously I was going to try walking on it...

So what was it for?? Who's was it? Why wasn't it in use anymore? When did stop being used? Why would they take everything else and leave the rail behind? Why is there nothing else around to indicate the answers to any of these questions?! 

...I had a LOT (capitals and italics for extra emphasis) of questions. I've not googled them or anything, because I think it would kind of spoil the memory of the moment. I'm not going to go looking for the answers even though I'm intensely curious. It'll be all the more satisfying if I just happen to come across the information. I guess we'll wait and see! 

I also thought it was worth taking a picture of this bizarro case of twisted railings. How did it get like that?! I tried and it was pretty impossible to unbend it. It would move, but there was no way I would have had the strength to bend it- who do you think I am, Mr. Incredible?!

Today, this is me enjoying being among the trees: 

you tomorrow!

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