Saturday 19 July 2014

A Letter To Myself of The Past

Hey Splodgies- today I'm writing to myself from my present, to my past, as my future. If that makes sense. So... take from that what you will.

"Dear Past Rosa

Hello. I hope this isn't too strange, hearing from your future self, but if nothing else it can assure you that you will make it to at the very least, your twenty second birthday. You've not been horribly ill or hit by a car or anything. So well done!!

Next thing you have to understand is that right now, life isn't as great as you want it to be. That's present you and present me. But by the time you're near enough 23 you're MUCH better at dealing with this. You're still trying. Just remember that if your future self has not given up, then you shouldn't either. I know its easy to see how one little fuck up can feel like a massive deal, but try looking at the bigger picture- in the grand scheme of things, forgetting to do your geography homework really isn't that big of a deal, even if you get detention. There is much bigger shit to come, so enjoy the younger years where you weren't aware of most of the world. I'm sure that present me has more shit to come, of perhaps the same, perhaps of a different kind. But right now, we... or is it I? I am enjoying myself as much as I can. So....just loosen up, yeah?

Next thing, depending on what age you're reading this, you're gonna have some reeeeally big decisions to make, so for the love of all that is good in this world, take your time to decide!! You really can't rush these things, and they could affect you for the rest of your life! But remember too that its ok to change your mind if you want to, so long as you're not hurting anybody. And even if you are, sometimes that's ok too- if you are justified.

Next thing- be more selfish. Stop trying so hard to please other people, because it means you're forgetting to enjoy yourself! Find stuff you like doing by yourself because other people might not necessarily be around to entertain you in whatever way, shape or form you currently enjoy. But at the same time as being selfish, you have to remember to be appreciative, because right now, younger self, you're not realising how much the people around you are doing for you, your family in particular.

Lastly, there are a few things that you really need to keep persevering at because if past me, that is to say, you can improve on these things, it would make life a lot easier for me in the future, that is to say, my present. Keep practising at piano otherwise you're going to forget how to do it. Keep up with the ukulele too because you're still gonna be awesome at it. And languages- try and get at least a B at German GCSE. I know you quit French because the teacher was a nightmare, and the whole story with Spanish is something else entirely- but it'll help you a whole lot if you can get to A Level German, I promise. And if you can find the time during your first year of uni, try and learn at least a little bit of Welsh. The last thing you need to do is get into some regular exercise routine, because present you hates exercising.

Other than that, there is little else for me to say other than, keep on being a cheerful little thing! Because really, sometimes people just need someone to smile or give them a hug, and people DO appreciate you- so stop feeling so hard done by. People love you, even if you can't see it

Lots of love

Future Rosa

Well that was odd. What would you say to your past self? Any words of encouragement? Preparation? Advice? Let me know in the comments :)

Today, this is me:


  1. Very good article, Rosa!

    As for me, I'd probably tell my younger self to go out there and actually meet people rather than wallowing in shyness and loneliness. I'd tell him to keep his chin up regarding the whole lack of a love life thing--it's high school, not the end-all, be-all. Things will get better once you're out of the microcosm. I'd tell him to keep playing euphonium--as you get older, you will enjoy playing it more and regret not playing as often as you could back in high school. Finally, never give up on your dreams, no matter how lofty. We all need something to aspire to. Never let anyone laugh at those dreams.

    That's all I've got. Cheers!

    1. Ah! thats such great advice!! Maybe you could pick up the euphonium again??
