Monday 28 July 2014

On Setting An Example

Hey Splodgies!!

Quick announcement before I get started on today's post- I will be very  busy this week with various things (I'll keep you updated!) so although I will still post something every day, its not likely to be very much until the weekend. 

So! Onwards! 

I consider myself a long long way from a perfect person. But that is not to say that I have an overall dislike for myself, there are definitely things that I really like about myself. Like my positivity and patience and sense of humour. So I think, in some ways that I make quite a good role model as far as life attitude is concerned. 

It got me thinking though, that it is really really important for young people, particularly teenagers to have good role models and I think that the people around them have a responsibility to be a good role model to their young family members/friends. Because who's going to show them how to be good people if not the family around them? And when I use family in this context, I mean both the people you live with and the family you chose- your friends! Growing up is hard enough without moral ambiguity as the default setting, so if there's someone young in your life, step up and set a good example! 

I know there are lots of people in the public eye, such as politicians, actors, athletes, musicians, artists; who could also be considered role models, but I think really they fall into a grey area unless you know them personally. Or perhaps, its important to distinguish them between role model and aspiring to be like someone. If that makes sense. There are lots of potentially great role models out there, but first and foremost it starts with the people around you. Family, friends, neighbours, teachers and so on. People are shaped by a community that they build around themselves.

So people gotta take it seriously the way treat other people in front of young, impressionables. E.g. Don't yell at your waiter, its not pleasant, and it teaches young folk that its OK to yell at people who are working for you. I mean unless the waiter has really really fucked up, tolerance is the best attitude. And then there's always not tipping if you really didn't like the service. Little things like that, y'know?

What do you think? are young people more influenced by their family/friends/community role models or the role models in the wider world, visible to all? Let me know in the comments

Today, this is me and some of my birds. I'm getting quite a flock now!:

See you tomorrow!

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